You REALLY want to know about me,there is nothing else i can say that you don't already know about my LIFE. I've spent alot of years wasting away as you know. There was a period in my life where I did not care as much to care for my self. I make a lot of mistakes and continue to make those mistake till I could no longer take it. taking the the long road to give up and forgive myself, I have learned from those mistakes that I counld not do it on my own. I'm at the point of my life to live for the purpose God has given me, instead of wasting myself away like I have been doing for the past 17 years smoking my life away with meth, it's time to fuss. I have spent the last year n'a half in rehabilatation seeking the fine line of thruth as to why i am even here in life. I have learned at such a hard but loving place to understand the UNCONDITIONAL love GOD has for me and you. A place where I can walk free in my liberty and admit with no fault that I am a masterpiece in hand of the creator, the creator of heaven and earth. "aaahhh". So, if you are cousious to read, to ask when ever we meet, yeah i made a plenty few (wrong choices), which God doesn't hold aginst me so why should you. God love you so much and that/this is who it really is ALL about...I am a sinner saved by GRACEIt's not about me, IT'S ALL ABOUT HIM!!!
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