In a Past Life...
You Were: A Friendly Assassin.
Where You Lived: Egypt.
How You Died: Typhoid fever.
Who Were You In a Past Life?Travel, Sports, Eating...Sleeping, Staying Alive.......and your general spur of the moment stuff with the crowd.
New friends and old ones. General Tso, so I can ask him the recipe for his chicken! And oh yeah, just about everyone cause I'm layed back like that.
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I can pretty much listen to anything, EXCEPT, Death Metal. Other than that, depends on the mood. And oh yes, I can go back in time if I have to. Did you say kareoke? Lets do it!
Action, Adventure, and Comedy all the way!
Disgruntled Donny
People Iced: Twenty Three
Car Bombs Planted: Eighteen
Favorite Weapon Bowling Balls
Arms Broken: Thirty One
Eyes Gouged: Twenty Four
Tongues Cut Off: Four
Biggest Enemy: The Gent
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Do MCI's count lol?! How to's, some fiction,your variety of Tom Clancy style novels, and some history novels here and there.
If you're a man or woman of action, then you're a hero in my book!!