~Sky profile picture



About Me

Pure joy is the heart's ability to laugh when your situation warrants tears. -Melissa

I'm biracial, White and Black. So i like to take an objective perspective on life and race relations. I'm a lover of life. I served the military for 6 yrs. I'm outgoing person but keep few friends(go figure). I LOVE to laugh. I try to find something funny in everything. Being unhappy SUCKS, so i try not to do it!!!!! I've been to many countries including Germany, France, Spain, Greece, Bosnia, Kosovo, and Macedonia. My world travels aren't over yet. I'm determined NOT to look back on my life and say--i wish i would've....

"If you want a smile, be the first to give a smile. If you want love, be the first to give love. If you want to be understood, be the first to be understanding."

My Interests

"One of the great things about being willing to try new things and make mistakes is that making mistakes keeps you humble. People who are humble learn more than people who are arrogant"
What is stupid is to pretend you are smart. When you pretend to be smart, you are at the height of stupidity.


Conversations With God


A small Bosnian boy who asked me if I was an American. It took me aback because then and only then is when I realized that I was, nevermind the fact I was wearing a military uniform. I was caught up in race before then like many "Americans" today. Ask a fellow American their nationality and I bet they would in turn give you their race.

My Blog


Many want to know what my url name means "kawgirl". If you're a ryder, you probably already know but for those that still inquire; it's short for kawasaki girl. I own and ride a Kawasaki ZZR600. I am ...
Posted by ~Sky on Fri, 27 Apr 2007 11:35:00 PST