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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

About me? Well. Lets see shall we?
My name's Demi, I'm the mother of a beautiful girl named Selene, I live in Redlands, CA, and I roleplay a lot. I'm Wiccan, but just a beginner. So please don't start asking me about my religion.
The Basics:
- I'm a hypocrite when it comes to religion.
- Bella Voce.
- Concert Choir.
- Treble Choir.
- You will hate me.
- I'm afraid of being single.
- I'm deathly terrified of bees.
- I'm terrified of gaining weight.
- When I start to exercise, I'm an addict.
- I love the computer.
- I love to run.
- I love to hike.
- I love to go camping.
- I love getting little gifts like flowers and candy.
- I want a man who knows he wants me no matter what the cost.
- I have low self-esteem.
- I'm egotistical.
- I'm conceited.
- I'm a bitch.
- I'm a lover.
- I'm a child.
- I'm a mother.
- I'm a sinner.
- I'm a saint.
- I contradict myself all the time.
- I love school.
- I hate school.
- I'm your Hell.
- I'm your dream.
- Just when you think you've got me figured out, the season's already changing.
- I'm Wiccan.
- Don't try to save me.
- You won't like me.
- If you do, I'll be amazed.
- I don't like fake friends. (People who only pretend to be your friend when things are bad, but end up ditching you when things are alright again.)
I don't care who you are. If you're of the male gender, I hate you. Even if I talk to you and I'm friends with you.
I'm a Spina Bifida Spokesperson.
Layout made by schrei

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

In Love:

It really doesn't matter who I date because after I get done dating them, they're a completely different person anyways. But to be completely honest, I want a guy who will be more than willing to burst out in random singing and dancing with me at school or something like that and someone who is REALLY confindent that he'll be able to get me to be his girl even when I play hard to get. Someone who will let me be who I am and not expect me to change for him, or anyone else.

In Friendship:

People who will be there for me always no matter how shitty I treat them on my bad days.

    The Lady
The Lady:

The Goddess of the Wicca is the Great Goddess. She is the Ground of Being, the Mother of All Living; the Creatrix, and the Destroyer, for She is ever Dual. She is the Earth Mother, the Lady of the Moon, and the Star Goddess. She is Queen of Heaven, Queen of Earth, and Queen of the Underworld. She is the Triple Goddess: the Virgin, the Bride, and the Hag, called the Three Mothers in Celtic regions.

The three aspects of the Triple Goddess are usually described as the Maiden, the Mother, and the Crone; it must be remembered that the connotations of age associated with those titles derive from the experience of humans, who are subject to age and death; the Goddess is eternal: ever-changing and ever self-renewing, She will be young or old as She pleases.

As the Virgin, She is the Creatrix, the Lady of Birth and Death, the Star Goddess, the Queen of Heaven, the Giver of Inspiration, the Initiatrix. She is Diana, Lady of the Moon and the Wild Things, Ever Virgin unto Pan: virgin unto the All, and therefore wed to None. She is also the Virgin Mother; and Her blue and white colors, and title "Queen of Heaven", were borrowed by the Catholic Church for the Virgin Mary. Hers are the Waxing Moon, Venus as Morning and Evening Star, and all the vast starry realm; Her sacred color is White.

As the Bride, She is the Preserver, the Lady of Growth and Fertility, the Earth Mother, the Goddess of flocks and herds, Lady of Love and Fruitfulness and the fertility of the land; as Goddess of the Land She is also the Goddess of Sovereignty, and it is only by Sacred Marriage to Her that the King holds the right to the Throne. Hers are the Full Moon, the Earth, fruits and flocks and fields; Her sacred color is Red.

As the Hag, She is the Destroyer, the Lady of Decay and Death, the Goddess of Night and the Underworld, and also the cave and the tomb. For that which is born must also age, and decay, and die; and out of that which is dead and decaying arises new fertility, for life feeds ever on life. She is the Sow who eats Her own young, the "Nightmare Fertility and Death in One", the Great Necessity by which the food chain and the cycle of life continue. Hence She is also the Goddess of regeneration. Hers is the Waning Moon, the dark night, the silence of the shadows, the midnight crossroads, and the wailing of the widow; Her sacred color is Black.

The Goddess is the Queen of all Witcheries: She is the Enchantress, the Shape-Changer; She is Isis, the "Lady of the Words of Power"; She is Cerridwen, the Sorceress at Her Cauldron; She is Hecate, the Mistress of the Magick of the Dark Moon. She is the Great Lady. She is the Goddess.Layout made by schrei

    The Horned One
The Horned One:

The God of the Wicca is the Horned God, the ancient God of Fertility: the God of forest, flock, and field and also of the hunt. He is Lord of Life, and the Giver of Life, yet He is also Lord of Death and Resurrection. For, like the Goddess, the nature of Her Horned Consort is also dual. For the Horned God is not only the Hunter, He is also the Hunted; He is the Sun by day, but He is also the Sun at Midnight; He is the Lord of Light, but He is also the Lord of Darkness: the darkness of night, the darkness of the Shadows, the darkness of the depths of the forest, the darkness of the depths of the Underworld.

The Horned God is the group soul of the hunted animal, invoked by the primitive shaman and the tribe: and as such, He is the Sacrificial Victim, the beast who is slain that the tribe might live, a gift from that group soul, who was often revered as the tribal totem or ancestral spirit. The Celts believed they were the descendents of the God of the Underworld, who was also the God of Fertility: the Latinized form of His name was Cernunnos, which means simply, the Horned One.

The Horned God is also the spirit of vegetation, of the green and growing things, whether of the vine or of the forest or of the field. Dionysos, Adonis, and many other vegetation and harvest Gods were all often depicted as horned, wearing the horns of the bull, the goat, the ram, or the stag: of whichever of the horned beasts was held sacred in that place and time. This aspect is the Dying and Resurrecting God who dies with the harvest and is rent asunder, as the grain is gathered in the fields; who is buried, as is the seed; who then springs forth anew, fresh and green and young, in the spring, reborn from the Womb of the Great Mother.

The Horned God is Osiris, who was often depicted with the horns of a bull. Osiris was believed to be incarnate in a succession of sacred bulls, and worshipped in that form as the god Apis. This was yet another form and manifestation of Osiris as the God of Fertility and also of Death and Resurrection. And Osiris bears the marks of a lunar, rather than a solar god, for Set tears the body of Osiris into fourteen pieces, the number of days of the waning moon; and then Isis, the Great Mother, gathers those pieces together and restores Osiris to life again.

The Horned God is the Great God Pan, the Goat-foot God with a human torso and a human but goat-horned head, the God whose ecstatic worship was so hated by the Church that they used His description for their "Devil" and called Him the lord of all evil. Yet, to the ancients who worshipped Him, and to the modern Pagans and Witches that worship Him still, "Pan is greatest, Pan is least. Pan is all, and all is Pan."

The Horned God is not "the Devil", except to those who fear and reject Nature, and the Powers of Life and human sexuality, and the ecstasy of the human spirit. The Horned God is the God of the Wicca.Layout made by schrei


Isis: Isis' esoteric attributes include intuition and perception. She is related to the third eye chakra, the centre of illumination and insight. She is the embodiment of the feminine as a vessel for divine expression.

GEMSTONES: Moonstone, lapis lazuli, dark aquamarine (indigo-coloured stones), malachitet


Isis is the Egyptian High Priestess, ruling with love and calm patience. She provides equilibrium and guidance through our journey. To open the door to Isis opens the door to love, love fosters the development of inner wisdom, as a budding flower blossoms into a glorious flower that takes people's breath away.


Isis' relationship with the third eye, the psychic eye, brings us a powerful skill to cultivate our trust in our own psychic wisdom. We have all talked about our "gut instinct" at some stage in our lives... Isis lets us embellish on this inner wisdom through divine power.Layout made by schrei


Diana: Powerful and protective, Diana embodies the moon's fertility and the sun's protective, nurturing power over the earth's wilderness and creatures. Diana's power brings abundance to the world. She is the huntress who provides us with spiritual "food".

GEMSTONES: Moonstone, lapis lazuli, dark aquamarine


Diana is a Roman goddess - nature, fertility, children, providence and harvest are other attributes relating to her. She is often depicted with her hunting dogs, deer and an archer's bow. Her short skirt is not for attracting male attention, but is a symbol of freedom - she remains free to leap through the forests and touch the sky with her outstretched fingers.

Her father, Jupiter, gave her the gift of eternal chastity, which we can choose to interpret as the ability to never fall victim to force, persuasion or misplaced guilt.Layout made by schrei

My Blog

Daily Tarot Reading December 9, 2008

Just a daily reading of mine. It's given me a lot to think about...from the Egyptian Tarot. 1. King of Swords - The Lord of War - Magistrate, authority, ideological battle, matter of principle.2. Two ...
Posted by on Sat, 13 Dec 2008 04:01:00 GMT

Is It Abuse???

Being in social services for so many years, and a survivor of childhood abuse and domestic violence, I've learned a lot about abusive relationships. One of the most important lessons was that we often...
Posted by on Sun, 07 Dec 2008 00:05:00 GMT

Don’t give up on your dreams.

(I'm basically half asleep and trying to keep myself positive right now, so forgive anything that doesn't make sense.) My biggest dream is something that sounds totally, utterly, ridiculous and unatta...
Posted by on Tue, 18 Nov 2008 16:53:00 GMT