Carl David....Tribute Artist profile picture

Carl David....Tribute Artist

About Me

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Hello, I am Carl David(Sabo).I am a Hicksville, Ohio native. I began my singing career at 10 yrs of age singing Elvis Presley tunes. I eventually became an attraction at talent shows, company parties, conventions,local radio and television stations,and festivals,known for my versatility with signature voices of Elvis Presley and Alice Cooper. My demos were received well in Los Angeles, New York and Las Vegas. I had a recording contract with Emerald Records. I received the "Pop Vocalist" and "Male Vocalist" of the year in 2003 from the Entertainer Independent Recording Association. Right now I am a RN pheresis specialist at the American Red Cross. Outside my medicine and music, I hold a bachelor degree in behavioral sciences and performing arts. I am also a licensed auctioneer, teacher, and own Sabo Sports and Auctioneering. I have a diploma in funeral services and I am also a certified mixologist and love bartending for a social life.I enjoy coaching baseball and football and plan to complete my graduaute studies with the Academy of Arts, Motion Pictures, and Television and California Southern University. I am looking for a record label to sign me or management to represent me and tour the world. Demos are available upon request. I can be seen performing occasionally at Piere's Entertainment Center in Fort Wayne, Indiana, or a nightclub near you.

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Member Since: 31/01/2008
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Influences: Elvis Presley, Alice Cooper, Bon Jovi, Kiss, Elton John, Billy Joel
Record Label: Unsigned

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