i want to surround myself with beautiful people.
not beautiful in body, but beautiful in soul.
my future husband.
a man who will call in work to say he's sick just to stay
in bed with me all day. picnics and zoos and aquariums
galore! a man who won't mind that when i attempt to cook
i often end up burning it and i'm a one beer queer. a man
who wont mind that i cry from beginning to end in the fox
and the hound. he'll love me all the same. someone who
knows it wont ever be easy, always hard, but keeps his
promises and tears down my walls and smacks me awake.
someone who is content laying on the couch & watching
all the seasons of the office in one night and doesn't hold
it against me when i quote will ferrell movies verbatim.
a man who will open my eyes to what's holding me back.