I really like to write which is one of my dreams that i will make happen in the near future. I love music and talking with my lovely sister Rachel and being around 2 wonderful children which happen to be my niece and nephew. I have a wonderful b/f that is very good to me and love to just hang out with him no matter what we are doing.
well there are so many people in this world that would be awsome to meet but since i live in the real world i will stick to the kind and real people that you see every day on the streets that we live in.
My love for music starts with country and goes from there to rb and alternative. I love every type of music. To me music is more then just song and sound it is words, feeling, and emotion.
I would have to say that fav movie is the shaw shank redemption. No matter how many times it has been on the tv i have watched every time that i have caught it on.
My favorite days to watch tv are Mon, tues, and weds all starting at 8pm. Mondays is dance war, tuesdays is american idol and law n order SVU and wensdays both law n oder and law in order ci. If i watch any other tv it is on the USA channel cause they have back to back law n orders!!!
I like read. My favorite is James Patterson. He has some great books and great story lines and great plots.
My hero is no one famous. His name is Scooter John. If you all new him you would understand why this man is my hero who knows he might have even been yours to. I don't feel that you have to have some one famous be your hero the normal people in this world can help you in the ways no one else can.