SANE is a dangerous word. It implies a clear distinction, a sharp line between the Sane and the Insane that we allsee clearly and accept as a truth of nature.
But it is not. No. The only real difference between the Sane and the Insane, in this world, is the Sane have the powerto have the Insane locked up. That is the bottom line. CLANG! Go immediately to prison. You crazy bastard, youshould have been locked up a long time ago. You are a dangerous freak-I am rich, and I want you castrated.
There is no mention of good Outlaws in the Holy Bible, I think-mainly because of The Church & all its spin-offs thatbelieve in total punishment for all sinners. The Bible makes no exceptions for good hearted social outlaws. They areall cast into the Lake of Fire. Punishment. Fuck those people.
- Hunter S. Thompson - Kingdom of Fear.
This is not a band profile, just me, Nev, with some odd bits of music. My band profile is This is my personal profile.
I am here for music and I'm here for people who share my love for art in all its forms.
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