♥ Flor Escondida ♥ profile picture

♥ Flor Escondida ♥

Vente, vamos a bailar ♥

About Me

Watch the following clip. Especially for the monologue at the end. This clip pretty much defines the way I live my life, well minus trying to be a total dork and take a freakin' fastball to the head, haha - I'll leave that to my male friends :P
I live my life at 453% :)
Hi, there! My name is Melissa, but most people call me Mel. I am a 23 year old full time worker/student/friend/dork and music and all it's forms and different genres are what make up my life :)
I would say there is both a yin and yang to my personality. I could be equally happy to go out to a punk show and mosh it up, or go out to a club and dance to hip hop. I love the poetry of Pablo Neruda, but also enjoy comedy shows a la Daily Show & anything with Dane Cook. I am loud, quiet, shy, friendly, wild, conservative, vulgar, sweet, smart, silly, lazy, driven, and a damsel - but not in distress.
I have a long list of weird fears - clowns, birds, bugs, squirrels to name a few, but I am not afraid of following my dreams or my heart.
I work a 9 to 5er in a super busy office and attend school full time (majoring in business, woot woot!), so when the weekend rolls around I like to have fun and go out with friends :)
I am a super duper affectionate person and love giving and receiving hugs. I have some of the best friends a girl could ask for but there's always room for new friends :)
It's the smallest things in life that give me joy, like 25 cent jewelry, smiles and laughter, or my Hello Kitty doll I bought for a dollar :)
I am a total dork and try not to let the negative opinions of others influence how I feel about myself or how I live my life. I am open-minded and willing to learn about new things and people. Learning is something I'm passionate about and one of the things I love. Some other things on Mel's love list are: COFFEE (it's my obsession! haha), 80s music (well actually most music for that matter), dancing to hip hop/rap or ska, smiles/hugs/cuddles/kisses on the forehead/affection of any sort, my aqua colored penguin (his name is Jeffrey :) I ♥ Jeffrey), shiny/sparkly anythings, ♥, discovering new music/people, learning, striped/plaid/checkered/polka dotted clothing, bright colors, orange chicken, poetry, love songs sung in Spanish, 25 cent jewelry, movies so bad that they are good, tasty lipgloss, math (especially statistics! I am a former math nerd ;D), good friends, Gilmore Girls, and anything silly or fun :).
I'm a little bit of everything all mixed into one, so why don't you send me a message already and find out what I'm all about? :)
yo la tengo
music song lyrics
cuddle and a kiss on the forehead - you like to be
close to your special someone and feel warm,
comfortable, and neededWhat Sign of Affection Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla Planet Hello Kitty

My Interests

Kisses on the forehead, sparkly nail polish, hugs, kevin arnold, conan o'brien, open minds, love, "high impact gyrations" (If you've seen a John Basedow commercial, you'd get this, hehe), green face goop, sleeping in, smiles, being the first one to open up the peanut butter, daisies, disney movies, Gilmore Girls


I'd like to meet:

Any of the following: Happy people. People who can make me laugh so hard I wet myself. Dorks/Nerds/Geeks. People who wear glasses. Other coffee addicts. People who like to talk...A LOT. People who just don't give a fuck what others think. People who still listen to Milli Vanilli and think they're the shiznit. Lovers of loving love. People who consider themeselves awesomely awesome, radically rad or totally tubular.

Those are the kind of kids I dig :)

These kids:

I would like to meet these guys in this life or the afterlife :) :

Also anyone super nice and can accept an individual for who they are. Those kind of people are the best.


punk, ska, reggae, power ballads, songs with really really good lyrics, good soundtracks, 80s love songs (and some new love songs as well), Al Green, Otis Redding, oldies, metal, reggaeton, rock en espanol, rockabilly, one-hit-wonders, hair bands, girl groups (1950s and 1960s), middle eastern, hip hop, rock, pop, 80s BOY BANDS, BOBBY BROWN (in the 80s/early 90s when he had the Gumby hair), Spanish ska, soul, r&b, neo-soul, dancehall, 90s alt rock, power ballads, mariachi, salsa, merengue, country, Jason Mraz
"Sabor a mi" - one of the best songs ever :)

I pretty much love any type of music. Music is what drives my soul and my hips :)


Breakfast Club, Pretty in Pink, Kill Bill, Finding Nemo, Where the Heart is, OFFICE SPACE (perhaps the best movie ever!), A Guy Thing, The Sweetest Thing, plus way more!

Well this really isn't a movie, but it's under myspace film. It's an awesome webseries, get addicted! Team Henry!

We Need Girlfriends - Episode 4 - Rod vs Henry

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The First Ever Televised Douchebag Intervention

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I ♥ Trouty


anything by Pablo Neruda


Jem. Ya know, the cartoon from the 80s? She's the gal with the dual life, of business woman and rocker chick. She's got pink hair, and a boyfriend with purple hair named Rio. Ah, Jem, has it all.

This guy:

Oh, yeah, and all of my friends :) You guys all fucking rock! ♥

My Blog

Happy late Valentines! :D

I don't care if you're gay or straight - you gotta admit that these pics are hot, haha.  What an interesting idea for a photoshoot, hehe. Happy late V-day :D Hope everyone had a lovely weekend and f...
Posted by ♥ Flor Escondida ♥ on Mon, 18 Feb 2008 04:34:00 PST

New place!!!

Yay, so I found a new place!  I'm so excited!!!  Wee!!!! I met with this lady, Yvonne, this past weekend and we just clicked all kinds.  She is super nice and the location is soooo quie...
Posted by ♥ Flor Escondida ♥ on Mon, 11 Feb 2008 08:00:00 PST


So I talked to a couple girls who are renting rooms and put in an application for a studio apartment.  All signs point to me totally not being homeless, so yay :D I'm gonna meet with the girls an...
Posted by ♥ Flor Escondida ♥ on Thu, 07 Feb 2008 07:58:00 PST


Well so I got the most unexpected call today from my roomie. She asked me if I could move out  in a month or so cuz she wanted some of her family to stay with her. Technically I don't have to lea...
Posted by ♥ Flor Escondida ♥ on Tue, 05 Feb 2008 08:43:00 PST

"Well forget the past, but maybe Im not able...and I break at the bend..."

"It's too far away for me to hold.  Too far away." How much I love that Fuel song, I don't know.  But yeah, it's still one of my favorites - 10 years later.  Crazy. Today is Friday and ...
Posted by ♥ Flor Escondida ♥ on Fri, 01 Feb 2008 06:45:00 PST


I am way excited.  I just found out that my buddy Java Joe will be in town next week!  I miss his face and java-ness so much like you have no idea :(Yay, we will be reunited once more!  Yay! ...
Posted by ♥ Flor Escondida ♥ on Fri, 01 Feb 2008 12:33:00 PST

Long week....

Longest weekend in recent memory for sures....I need some fun I think.  I want to change this  & this  to this ---->  or this  or maybe even this  or this ....
Posted by ♥ Flor Escondida ♥ on Thu, 31 Jan 2008 01:22:00 PST


I totally found my ATM card - it was right in my f'ing purse I had the whole time.  Jeez Louise :P Yay, listening to Avenged Sevenfold at work is the best :D I totally need to go back to SC this ...
Posted by ♥ Flor Escondida ♥ on Wed, 30 Jan 2008 07:55:00 PST

"Baby, don’t cry cuz you had my heart at least for the most part...

And everybody's gotta die something, yeea-yeah." I love that Avenged Sevenfold song. I hope today isn't as lame-erific as yesterday, hah. Well, hells yeah, it's Wednesday today!  Yay, hump day!&n...
Posted by ♥ Flor Escondida ♥ on Wed, 30 Jan 2008 07:12:00 PST


If I say, let's agree to disagree that means no more talking.  And if I am totally mad it means shut the fuck up, k, thx :)
Posted by ♥ Flor Escondida ♥ on Wed, 30 Jan 2008 12:57:00 PST