Amy profile picture


Lucky for you.... But not for me :(

About Me

Well... I recently found out that I'm not allowed to drink beer anymore so that's one of my fave past-times.... You can find me reading, watching sports, quilting, road trippin, playing video games, watchin movies, chillin in the Den playing Yahtzee, camping, going to concerts, bowling and pretty much just havin a good time.I enjoy wearing the brightest colours I can find. Flip flops with socks are fine by me... And the higher the sock, the better.

My Interests

Reading, Yahtzee 4x4ing, video games, movies, road trips, shopping, sports.... I'll try anything once.


Country! Classic Rock! Everything else except those "performers" who sound like they're yelling at me.


I still refuse to watch Star Wars or Jaws.


ER, House, Simpsons, Family Guy, Friends.... Whatever is on when I'm going to bed or AFV at the Den.

MySpace Avatars


"The Road," "Outlander," "The Pursuit of Happyness," "Bloodletting and Miraculous Cures," "Bedroom Secrets of Master Chefs," "Vinyl Cafe" books, "Getting Stoned with Savages," "Time Traveller's Wife," "Night,"..... I 3 books


Roberto Luongo! Such an amazing goalie 3