by: Rihanna
Im new to this when i get a chance i'll udate this part of it. If you wanna know about me, you can hit me up and i'll tell you what ever you wanna know. Hope to hear from you=) .... ::Rob:: ....
Well first of all I'm looking for a friend first, someone I could talk to and maybe share my interest with, maybe even hang out. I don't mind a relationship but then again I don't want to jump into anything. I'm not a player and I don't expect my friends to be, I'm a devoted caring person with a big heart and I strongly believe in that you should "do unto others as you would have them do unto you. " I'm not your average guy even though I may appear so on the outside, but its what people don't see on the inside which makes them pass judgment on me with haste.
I'm a workaholic I suppose...I like hanging out with my friends, sometimes just hanging out by myself, I'm open to new things, I love all kinds of music, and I love poetry...- especially with emotion and feeling behind it such as love poems and sad poems...but in all I guess pertaining to love, I even like trying to write my own stuff too=). Also thanx to Frankie Ray, you can say i like to dance too. hahaha
I guess i'd say I'm a hopeless romantic, I'm a very deep person and see a lot of things that a lot of other people don't see and I guess some people can't handle that. I'm a reasonable, down to earth guy, and most importantly. I don't like being lied to so I'm not going to lie to you. So if you read this far...Im 5'9" about 185lbs and I like blk chicks for some reason (long story)(but i currently now like asian women:) ,another story to my life=) but I'm open for "love is color blind"...So...K.I.T. "How Obscure This May Appear Inquiring Love...for this my love...I Promise You Real Open Trust Exposing Changing Hearts. " by:RS...
so hit me up just to chat. I'll be worth your time, if you take your time to find in me, in what might be if only you'll see, in taking that chance to get a chance at me.=)
AIM= PyroTch818
I Met Christina Milian & got her Autograph:)
Met Rick Allen, Drummer of Def Leppard;)
Signed Photo Courtesy Darby*Refuge. . . Thanx;) ! ! !