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I am here for Friends

About Me

Random crap about me...I know half of you wont read all this, but what the hell =] I'm going to type it anyways, because I like being myself
Name's Rachael, or Rach =]
Known as Rachie or Raquel :| to my friends...Sometimes haha! =]
I Freakin ♥ My Friends!, Family! and Idols!
...I smile/laugh...alot!!! (Maths class XD)
I dont wear make-up...Yuck! I hate these orange girls!
I realllllly enjoy Friday/Saturday nights with a drink, a movie, and maybe a bag of chips =]
I think, I drink to much (cider/beer) but I like it :)
I’m as straight, as EVER! Many crushes <= Ask friends they know ;)
I like to sing...But for the hell, I cant!
I have NO! fashion sense whats so ever, people who know me will be my witness and know I hate new look and next...Stores like that! =]
I like writting rough storylines for films/comedies :)
I love my little, cute cousins Harry & Charlie XD
I'm quite a Tom-Boy...PROUD!
I ♥ Autumn
Favourite colour would be orange...obviously
Dream!...Will be to move to America! =] Better than England!!
I'm currently taking Art & Design at college (2 Year 'A' Level Course)
I want to study Geology =) ... Keen!
Wanna combine my Art and Geology together, hopefully for a future career. Make a difference! =]
Looking for a part time job! That fits in with everything else, I'm thinking, Blockbuster, Gamestation =] ... Need Money!
I enjoy being alone, sometimes
I walk to fast!
I dont like to show emotion in front of others, I'd rather cry in privacy
I drink to much Pepsi/Coke
I ♥...the following
Music♥♥...Who doesnt? XD
Going to the movies and shopping (Mostly for DVDs) =]
Lee Evans♥♥♥
Michael McIntyre♥♥
Clouds, cartoon clouds♥♥ =]
The Stars/Space♥♥
CHOCOLATE!...For breakfast XD < Haha Kate knows!
Noel Gallagher and Justin Chatwin Big...Long crushes♥♥♥ ;)
Heroes (NBC/BBC)♥♥♥
Family Guy♥♥
Dr Who (ALOT)♥♥♥
Sci-Fi Stuff =]
Polar Bears♥
Dragons (Spyro=>CUTE)♥♥♥
'The Frat Pack'♥♥♥
Top Gear♥♥♥
I think Hayden Panettiere, Billie Piper and Rachel McAdams are GREAT!
I think Jeremy Clarkson should be primeminster! XD
I'm an Atheist
And YES! I can safety say I dont fancy that guy from Twilight or whatever!
And what? My profile? Self-edited DUDE! =D
Okay...Now I sense you're getting bored! Haha!!!!
... If you want to add me via MSN, ask me for addy! =]

My Interests

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