Starchildâ„¢ profile picture


I am here for Networking

About Me

Name: Amir Mohammed el-Bedawi Abd el-Fattah

Meaning of Name: Amir (Prince/Leader), Mohammed (Blessed One), el-Bedawi (The Bedouin/Desert Dweller), Abd el-Fattah (Servant of the Victor).
Ethnicity: Half Egyptian / Half African-American

Language(s): English / Arabic
Place of Origin: Washington D.C.-Northern Virginia / Port Said, Egypt

Crafts: Rapper / Singer / Producer / Songwriter

Rap Nickname(s): The Lion of the Desert, The Mighty Star of Africa, The Half-Blood Prince, The Voice of the People, S-T-A-R, The Man from the Sand, The Mighty Pharoah Star, Child of the Nile, The African Hope, The Hip-Hop Sadat
Occupation: Student / Freelance Writer and Poet

College Major: Pre-Med and Psychology, specializing in Cardiology
Group Affiliation: 1/2 of The New Deal


Amir Abd el-Fattah is Starchild, The Mighty Star of Africa. The son of an Egyptian immigrant entrepreneur and an African-American human/civil rights activist and journalist, Starchild is the product of a multi-cultural, politically charged environment, having spent most of his life growing up within the immigrant communities of Arabs, Ethiopians, Somalians, and various other communities of North Africans, South Asians, and Central and South Americans within the Washington D.C./Northern Virginia Metropolitan area.
This, combined with his time spent as a child in the hometown of his father, Egypt's Port Said near Cairo, has shaped Starchild into an artist who can vivdly describe and depict the struggle and plight of America's immigrant and minority communities, the struggle of Africans and the African international diaspora, as well as display, through wicked braggadocio, his revolutionary skills on the microphone through rap, singing, and other forms of musical and literary art. His endless variety of rap patterns and flows, his amazingly poetic and articulate use of the English langauge, and a seemingly infinite vocabulary, as well as his clever use of metaphors and similes, make Starchild an artist with incredible musical prowess, especially when coupled with his singing ability and production style. Starchild uses his masterful lyricism, not only to raise awareness of these social problems and situations, but also for the shear satisfaction of displaying just why he, and many others believe he is the best rapper and lyricist in the game today.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Prophet Mohammed (SAW), Jesus of Nazareth (SAW), Bob Marley, Frank Sinatra, Malcom X, President Anwar Sadat, King Haile Selassie I, All of the other Biblical and Qur'anic you can see, everybody worth meeting has already passed away...






Free Somalia and Ethiopia! Meles Zenawi is Killing both!

Meles Zenawi is killing innocent Ethiopians and Somalis! He is terrorizing the Horn of Africa! Free Somalia! Free Ethiopia! Free Eritrea!

Hosni Mubarak is Killing Innocent Egyptians and Starving the people! Free Egypt!

My Blog

Barack Obama is a better choice than Hilary or McCain

Barack Obama has said many things that I disagree with, but he is by far the best option in this election...ten times better than Hilary, who acts more like Bush than Bush does....or McCain, who behav...
Posted by Starchild" on Mon, 24 Mar 2008 01:49:00 PST

Remember my voice, Remember my words

When the world has finally reached a level of sincerety that brings delight to the hearts of the truthful and the optimistic, remember my voice, my lackluster, meloncholy words and poetry which ...
Posted by Starchild" on Thu, 20 Mar 2008 09:24:00 PST

Africa My Lady, Theres Hope.

I knew one,   I loved one,   Beautiful, and strong, she was,   Full of life and majesty,   Her appearance, unmatched in beauty,   Her riches, unmatched in bounty,   ...
Posted by Starchild" on Thu, 07 Feb 2008 08:54:00 PST

Africa Must Unite!!!!!

It’s incredible isn’t it? When you really think about it... When you really think about Africa, it’s absolutely amazing. It is beyond my understanding and most other’s understa...
Posted by Starchild" on Tue, 05 Feb 2008 10:18:00 PST

The New Deal’s Starchild - The Lion of the Desert

This is Starchild. check back every now and then. there will be music and videos up soon.
Posted by Starchild" on Sat, 02 Feb 2008 10:40:00 PST