Drugs, sex with our wives, and masturbation techniques are things we don't really talk about in interviews.
I'd like to meet diehard Stone Temple Pilots and Velvet Revolver fans!.....Don't worry guys well be reuniting soon! Stone Temple Pilots rule motherfuckers and so Velvet Revolver too!
Latest Release
Contraband - Velvet Revolver
All Releases
My Official Links:
01. scottweiland.com
02. velvetrevolver.com
03. stonetemplepilots.com
The Doors
The Rolling Stones
Magnificent Bastards
Stone Temple Pilots, Magnificent Bastards, Velvet Revolver, Camp Freddy and my solo album.....shut up if you dont have something nice to say.
Wizard of Oz
Performing "The Man I Didn't Know" on the Carson Daly Show.
Performing "Son" on MTV with Daniel Lanois and Victor Indrizzo.
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Jim Morrison