gaz gaz gaz
is a spaz spaz spaz
you might know me as gree
I sing in a band called schtarlings .
An extract from my favourite book:
"In letter writing it is curious to observe how closely any particular set of words and expressions are followed by the generality of people, who accept a model and adhere to it ; but phrases in vogue in letter writing change, as everything else changes, and what was proper to write some twenty or thirty years ago is not necessarily a guide to-day. Thus, certain phrases arrive at a point when they may be considered pedantic and ponderous, or common, and even vulgar.
On the contrary, there may be a certain "slanginess" countenanced in one period which would have been considered unpardonable in another. Subsequent to the Great War this was particularly noticeable. It should be the aim to avoid extremes and to adopt a style neither ponderous nor "slangy," but what is called easy and natural. It may be said that the tendency of the times is to avoid a good deal of the formality which was once considered necessary.
Always consider carefully the proper meaning of what you write, and the words you use, and examine your letter with an eye to alternative meanings. You will then achieve clarity, avoid misunderstandings and extravagance, and perhaps save yourself and others vexation."
As true today as it was 75 years ago.However, this DOES NOT mean that emoticons are an acceptable form of communication.