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About Me

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I'm a Gypsy by nature, a Pirate by design. It's in me blood to move about, to live and work wherever the winds may carry me. I am known as Jezabel "Jezzy The Butcher" MacPeaks, Pirate Queen, at Medieval Faires and Renaissance Festivals across the country. My profession has been that of a Booth Manager, selling Renaissance clothing for "FIONA'S FINERIES", and I'm proud to say that we have helped to outfit some of the Arrrr-some Pirates of Orlando's "PIRATES DINNER ADVENTURE". I've also hocked Leather Mugs for "YE DRAGON AND UNICORN" at the Great Lakes Medieval Faire, which is my home faire. I've also sold clothes for "WHITE PAVILION" for the past three years, and most recently, I've sold chainmail jewelry for "ENCHANTED CHAINS". That be a case of friends helpin' friends, which is what we do on the Renaissance circuit.
And, I've come to know some really awesome Artists, namely "NIGEL SADE", "ARADANI BROTHERS", "DELIGHT" and "ED BEARD, JR.".

At this point in time, however, due to a major shift in the winds, I'll stay at anchor near me home port for a spell. Thar be family issues to deal with that be more important to me than plunderin' and pillagin' new ports and faires at this time. I'll be missin' ye all, but will be seein' ye again soon one day! We're still family and I hold ye all in a very special place in this Pirate Queen's heart.



You may find m' story to be quite unbelievable, but, bear with me. I was borne to a Pirate...and a Queen! I was named Jezabel Mary Stewart Callis. M' father was John Callis, infamous pirate of the English, Welsh and Irish Coasts. Prior to his arrest and imprisonment on charges of piracy, which carried a death sentence, Cap'n Callis was smitten and fell in love with m' mum, Mary, Queen of Scots. 'Tis alleged that they carried on an illicit affair, of which, I am their issue. Mary gave birth to me in secret just prior to her own imprisonment at the hands of her cousin, Queen Elizabeth.

After m' mother abdicated her thrown and was imprisoned, m' half-brother, James Stewart, King of Scotland, appealed to Queen Elizabeth for the release of m' father, John Callis. I do not know to this day what relationship James had with John that he felt Elizabeth would hear or consider such a plea. However, it was of great importance that I be spirited far away in order that I should survive the battle for the throne of England. M' dear mother's fate was already sealed, but King James was determined that his "Wee Lass" would not meet with the same end, not while he had any power to prevent it. Whatever power or influence he had over Queen Elizabeth was well founded, as she pardoned m' father and sent him on his way. I heard it said that he had to trade information regarding the movements of other pirates along the English coastline in return for his freedom. This would explain why there were many battles between our ship and other pirate ships. M' father had become a traitor and an enemy to his peers, as it were, for my sake.

No matter the battles and hardships we endured out on the high seas, m' father insisted that I be tutored and well educated. King James had sent with us a tutor of higher learnin' and his wife, a nursemaid, to care for me. M' father, in his younger years had gone to London to learn the trade of bein' a Clothes Merchant, but chose soon after to turn to a life long career of Pyracy. I, of course, learned both the pirate ways and the clothin' trade, and that education has served me well in my life. I owe m' father much respect and honor for he did his best by a small child with help only from my nursemaid, tutor and scurvy crewmen, known ta me as m' uncles.

Sadly, when m' father recieved the awful news about m' mother's execution, he lost the glimmer in his eye. He became sullen and sad. He was angry and determined to make England pay, but I believe his heart was so broken that in that same year of 1587, during one of the fiercest confrontations of his career, he did not protect himself as well as he usually had, and he allowed himself to be blown to bits by his enemy. He did not have the desire to continue breathing knowing his one true love no longer existed in this world. One of his loyal crew members, Blood-N-Guts Bill, known to me as "Uncle Bill", maneuvered the ship away from the fight, in order to keep the Cap'n of the other ship from knowin' that Cap'n Callis was bleedin' ta death. That knowledge surely would have been the death of us all.

I never knew m' mother, but Father always told me what a beautiful and strong woman she was. He said he wished me to grow up to be just like her, but not to allow anyone to rob me of m' freedom. He said I had a true friend in my half-brother, King James VI of Scotland and I could always go to him for anything. After the death of my poor father, I did visit m' brother under a shroud of mystery. He was kind and loving. He was very protective. He knew I was raised in the Pirate ways and asked that as long as he protected me from those who would have my own head, that I would in turn, abstain from plundering along the British coastlines. I didn't know much love from his family, but I understood loyalty and I appreciated what he did for me and m' father, so this was an easy request to honor.

I set sail for the New World, and along the way, I met Dusty Jack MacPeaks, fancy-panted Pirate Captain of the "Black and Red Dove". He did woo me and make grand promises, but I only agreed to marry him and be a part of his crew, as m' own ship was nearly ready for the cold depths of Davey Jones Locker. Hey, a girl's got to do what a girl's got to do! Unfortunately, m' husband did meet his end on the blade of one of m' own rummed up crew members, M' dear uncle, Blood-n-Guts Bill, himself. He was none too pleased with the joinin' of the two ships' crews, and so did get rummed up quite often. One night, as he was a rantin' and a ravin' and demonstratin' to th' others how he would gut m' husband if he ever got the chance ta, he turned on his heel at a most opportune moment, and did run my unwitting husband clean through, quite by accident, ye know. Of course, that unfortunate deed could not go unpunished, or th' crew'd be seein' a weakness in their new Cap'n. So, no matter m' affection for old Bill, I sliced off 'is ear and hung it from m' knife sheathe. I then had 'im flogged 'til his shirt was glistenin' red with blood. I would have had him keel hauled, but I knew the old sot wouldn't a survived it. I announced that should any man aboard m' ship ever try a mutiny against me, he'd meet the same fate and worse. I suppose I commanded respect and fear from m' crew, as from that moment on, I was known as "Jezzy The Butcher", Pirate Queen.

Bein' a Pirate, it wasn't often I could return to m' homeland, but I did visit just once more, when m' brother became the first King James of England. He welcomed me with open arms and lovin' heart, but did warn me that no matter that a Stewart now sat upon the throne of England, m' own life would still be hangin' in the balance among the people, because of m' reputation as a Pirate Queen. He promised me a lifelong pardon as long as I sailed back to the New World and never let our secret be known. I agreed, of course, and now I sail for eternity along the coastal waters of the Americas.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Erol Flynn, Sean Connery, Liam Neesom, Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom...Hey, I may be a pirate, but I'm also a woman!

Also fine folks from these sites:

My Blog

Fienin' for a Faire!!!

I MISS YOU! I MISS YOU, MISS YOU, MISS YOU, MISS YOU!!!!!! Who am I speaking to when I say "I MISS YOU!"? I mean YOU, you who are reading this right now!  If we've met before, then I definitely m...
Posted by on Fri, 01 May 2009 15:30:00 GMT

Tribute to Ben Tran, My Cousin

This will be short and simple, I think, only because my heart is too heavy to write much, but I feel the need to express my deepest feelings just now.First off all, Ben, you will be sadly missed by yo...
Posted by on Tue, 07 Apr 2009 14:57:00 GMT

Jezzy's Gonna Be a Star?

Well, I was informed today that a character, based on my character,Jezzy the Pyrate, is going to be in an upcoming book!  I'm so excited! I must be, as I've not blogged on here in a long time, but I c...
Posted by on Mon, 09 Mar 2009 20:54:00 GMT

Updating Again and Being Thankful

Ok, so, they ran some tests and discovered that all four of Mom's heart valves are "leaky" and that her aorta is full of plaque, calcium and cholesterol. Her heart surgeon says it's not 75% full,...
Posted by on Wed, 26 Nov 2008 00:46:00 GMT

Update on Me Mums Condition

It's been one heck of a rollercoaster ride since I got home from Tennessee.  As you already know at the end of the faire in Great Lakes, I got a call saying my mom was in the hospital again. ...
Posted by on Mon, 20 Oct 2008 10:09:00 GMT

End of Faire...Bad News...Need Prayer

What I feared, and the singular reason I decided to not do the faires full time was realized last evening.  As I was packing up the last gown at the end of GLMF my phone rang.  It was my sis...
Posted by on Mon, 11 Aug 2008 05:55:00 GMT

YOU, My Friends, Are Most Awesome!

I sit here even now with a lump in my throat as I recall the most overwhelming, warmest reception of my life!This past weekend, spent at Great Lakes Medieval Faire was heartwarming and joyful to say t...
Posted by on Tue, 29 Jul 2008 10:09:00 GMT

Another Successful RESCU Rally

Announcing yet another fun and successful rally in support of the R.E.S.C.U. Foundation!  We had a wonderful time gathering for food, fellowship and fund raising "Olympic Games".For those of you ...
Posted by on Fri, 16 May 2008 08:26:00 GMT

Would I Be a Mother Again?

If I could be a mother all over again, I mean from scratch, from the very VERY beginning, would I?You bet I would!  Maybe I would have made different choices, such as who I would have married and...
Posted by on Fri, 09 May 2008 10:03:00 GMT

Flickin’ Caterpillars, Havin’ Fun And Sayin’ Farewell

This Rennie life is unique in so many ways.  I’m still lovin’ it even as I’m preparing to set sail once again, heading north this time.Since I’ve come to Pirate Territory,...
Posted by on Mon, 31 Mar 2008 17:55:00 GMT