i'm the luckiest girl in the world with the bestest friends and boyfriend i could ever ask for!
please don't send me creepy messages if you have yellow fever. yes, i'm japanese, but keep whatever you have to say to yourselves, i really don't want to hear it. i'm honestly not the submissive asian girl that guys with inner psychological problems need in order to boost their ego. i'm actually quite the opposite. i wear the pants in the relationship, due to the fact that i have a very large penis. in fact, i wasn't born with a penis, it grew by itself. see, when i was a little girl i had, what Freud would call it, "penis envy". well the envy continued throughout the years and my vagina eventually grew into a penis [if you want the specific details, ask my boyfriend]. i am living proof that if believe in something hard enough, it will happen!
+likes+: good coffee. the computer. dirt bikes. photography [lithium picnic, kelly lind & steve diet goedde]. makeup. body modifications. japanese tattoos. horiyoshi iii. dragons. ado mizumori. sleeping. japan. milk tea. sweets. figure skating. masuimi max. flowers. music. my bed. corsets. hello kitty. jack & coke . colorful art. male ballet dancers. minna no tabo. fetish photography. vintage. pinups. bettie page. classic cars. my old man.
-dislikes-: scary movies. body hair. confusion. hickeys. chinese parsley. vodka. tequila. makeup removal. the new hello kitty designs. clowns. driving. drunk driving. arrogance. ignorance, but sometimes that can't be helped.
i hate unnecessary drama. i get irratated by it and i don't need it like some other people. i don't have sympathy for people who purposely cause themselves drama and get themselves into situations that they didn't anticipate. it's really not a big deal. get over it, there's bigger problems in the world.
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