Steph-You've always been there for me, thru thick nd thru thin.. I don't know what i'd do without you! We've had some pretty nasty fights, but we always pulled thru.. I know when something's wrong, I can always run to you, nd you'll do yer best to help me out! You're my best friend nd I wouldn't change that for the world!!
Cheyenne-You're my boo, for life! Gurl.. we have MAD crazy times together!! NO lie!! You always know how to put a smile on my face, no doubt! I'm glad to have met you nd grown so close to you, this past couple of months.. I don't know what i'd do without MY Chey!!
Queen Brooklyn AKA Jeannette-Gurl.. I haven't seen you in a HOT minute!! I was SO upset when you moved back to NY, cus you was my bitch, all day, everyday, when you was down here.. We was together ALL the time! We had our good times, nd i'm hoping we can have some in the future, when you get out the Marines! Miss you babe!!
ThEsE gUrLs ArE mY lIfE.. wItHoUt ThEm, I'd Be NoThInG!! ii LoVe YoU gUyS!!! ?
My BeStIe =)
My RiDe Or DiE bItCh =)
QuEEn BrOOkLyN =)
My BiTcH 4 LyFe =)
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