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Bless each day for having that special someone in u're life

About Me

Well. . . there isn't really too much to say about me, but what the heck! Just kidding. First of all, i enjoy long walks on the beach. No Really. . . I don't!! Okay! Seriously, I'm pretty layed back, hate drama, really shy. However, I'm able to open up if i'm given the chance. Once i get comfortable I'm pretty chill. Kinda funny too! LOL! I am employed, not anything to be proud of. But, i am making my money. Currently not enrolled in school. . . do plan to go back though! Let see, I'm pretty independent, still live with my parents. Parties, well there not number one on my list, but there not so bad. I'd rather find a place to chill with a group of people and do all stuff ILLEGAL!! LOL! Well actually, i gotta layback on all that stuff I have a baby on the way. No i'm not with the Baby's Daddy, he's an asshole. That fool tried to play me, instead he's the one that got played. Fuck good 4 nothing guys who can't take care of their responsibilites....If u're one of the them don't even bother with this sexy soon to be milf!

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It's a Girl!!

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