Howdy Ya'll!!!
...the road goes on forever, and the party never ends...
"Southern girls are God's gift to the entire male population. There is absolutely no woman finer than one raised below the mason-dixon line. And once you go southern, may the good Lord help you, you never go back." -Kenny Chesney
The names Jennifer. I am a 100% Texas Southern Bell!
I can be a bitch at times, but a sweetheart most of it. I'm a lil stubborn, a bit of a smartass, and I don't really care, you either like me or you don't, its just that simple.
I like to go fishin', huntin', 4 wheelin', campin', dancin', and a bunch of other stuff. I love goin to Billy Bob's. I love country music, that is pretty much all that I listen to, ain't nothin better. I prefer Texas Country over all music because it is the shit. I have 8 piercings, and two tattoss, I love pain, lol! And the most important thang I can tell you... I'm a Texan, and I love it here. I'm Texas Raised and Texas Proud!
I'm a single girl, not looking for a long term commitment, but hey ya never know, it could happen!
I live with my mom in Irving, Tx. I'm a Registered Pharmacy Technician. I drive a 2003 Red Ford Focus ZX3 Manual Transmission, and I love it! Yes I can drive a stick! I have two dogs, Spike and Rocky, a turtle named Squirt and a hamster named Hannibal! My bestfriend is my mom, and I love her more than words can express!
Myspace Countdown or Myspace Layouts
I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V4.4 (
Which famous movie kiss are you?
Sixteen Candles
You are the Sixteen Candles kiss!
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