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About Me

I'm a hot-blooded German female.I am 5'7. I'm a brunette with baby blue-eyes.I have one tattoo but plan on getting more.I am not an anorexic chick and I'm not a fat chick. I have curves and think curves are sexy.I am a hopeless romantic,a shameless flirt,and a consummate tease.I am very loyal to and protective of those I care about,and I will not hesitate to destroy anyone who threatens me,my loved ones,or anything that we care about.I am extremely affectionate. I am married to a guy named Mike and he is a U.S Soldier.We also have a baby girl named Danielle who was born May 5th 2007.
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Posted by Jennifer on Tue, 28 Aug 2007 12:55:00 PST

To all the pathetic drama whores

I'm sitting here bored out of my mind because Mike is away for the week in the feild. I glance once in awhile at certain peoples profiles even though I know I shouldn't. I started doing it because I w...
Posted by Jennifer on Tue, 24 Apr 2007 09:10:00 PST

Part 18 & 19 of 5,000 question survey (1701 - 1901)

1701. How will tomorrow be like today? well Mike won't be here =( 1702. How would you react if a stranger pinched your bottom? I'd slap the shit out of him   1703. When was the last time you went...
Posted by Jennifer on Mon, 23 Apr 2007 02:18:00 PST

Exciting Baby News!!

I just got back from the doctor. They checked my cervix and I am now 1 cm dilated. When she was checking my cervix she had said that she feels the babies head. I scheduled for an ultrasound to see ho...
Posted by Jennifer on Thu, 19 Apr 2007 12:08:00 PST

Part 16 & 17 of 5,000 question survey

1501. What did you think of the movie Black Hawk Down? Boring....i fell asleep 10 minutes into it 1502. What movie has the most surprising ending ever? sixth sense and Saw   1503. What are you cu...
Posted by Jennifer on Thu, 19 Apr 2007 06:39:00 PST

Why Men Love Bitches Part 10

"When you banter with a woman and she can give it right back to you, it's a turn-on.""When she puts me in my place, it makes me respect her.""If a guy thinks a woman is stupid, he won't take her atten...
Posted by Jennifer on Thu, 19 Apr 2007 05:13:00 PST

Why Men Love Bitches Part 9

He won't hear a word you say. This is why you should communicate with your actions...rather than your words.When you nag, he tunes you out. But when you speak with your actions, he pays attention.When...
Posted by Jennifer on Wed, 18 Apr 2007 01:40:00 PST

Why Men Love Bitches Part 8

Being sassy means you won't knock yourself out. The minute a man feels you're trying too hard, the challenge is over. Once you accidentally step into that arena, you have to win him back by showing hi...
Posted by Jennifer on Wed, 18 Apr 2007 10:25:00 PST

Why Men Love Bitches Part 7

When you are secure with yourself, he doesn't feel like he has a 100 percent hold on you. And when he doesn't have a 100 percent hold on you, he eats out of your hand.You are relaxed, secure, and happ...
Posted by Jennifer on Wed, 18 Apr 2007 10:24:00 PST

Why Men Love Bitches Part 6

What do you do when he boasts about his past conquests? The last thing you want to do is listen, because you'll get the embellished version--and you might actually believe some of it is true.The bitch...
Posted by Jennifer on Wed, 18 Apr 2007 10:23:00 PST