My Name Is
I'm sixteen years old as of October 2nd, and a junior at John C. Birdlebough High, in central New York. Please don't stalk me. I will respect you for whatever decisions you choose to make, but don't expect my respect to come easily. If you don't give me a reason to show it to you, or you don't pay me any respect, don't bother looking for it in return. You won't get it. I'm obsessed with Energy Drinks, I'll probably end up having a heart-attack someday. I'm infatuated with Monster and Vitamin Water. I guarantee you that if God and Moses had sex, the 'Essential' brand of VW would be the result. I have hardcore bus-sleeping skills, and I can fall asleep pretty much anywhere. Although, I have a rare case of Insomnia.. I laugh like a Mexican, and the only people I can really trust, live many miles, and states, away. I probably don't care what you think, it doesn't make too much of a difference to me. I don't believe in sexual orientation; I choose to not put a limit on who I can fall in love with. I won't give you my heart, because I know you'll end up breaking it. I hate very few people, and I know that it's a horrible word to use, but there are two, in particular.. I have a few best friends; they're more important to me than anybody else. I've lost far too many friends in the past to death, and I'm hoping I won't have to go through any more. Rest in peace Megan, Carlos, Jesse, Joseph, Matthew and James-- none of you deserve where you are, and I hope I see you again someday scream. I live for sports. I am currently in Volleyball. Varsity this year. I'm not so excited. Yess. I am a huge fan of music, and that doesn't even begin to cut it. Everything revolves around it, in my life; my hobbies, my friends, my band, and all that I love. My guitar is more of a boyfriend to me, than any guy I've ever dated. Projekt Revolution was definitely the highlight of my year. The band is the nicest bunch of guys i've ever met. Matthew Leone is my idol, as most of you know, and it was such an amazing experience to be able to meet him.
This profile layout was made by Amanda Rush. ♥
chuh el see x3
"It's not faith if you use your eyes.."
Tell me, tell me, can you feel the pressure now?