PacMan profile picture


what do you do when your bored?

About Me

i'm really into cars. i try to learn as much as i can and try to help friends out with installs on there rides. my place has almost all the tools you need. except a floor jack though, the one i got is broken. anyway, i married really young as you can see. i had some really bad relationships too when in high school. i was so heart broken that i started doing stupid things. till i meet my wife. it all changed after that, i got married, my wife gave birth to a baby girl and now i try to be the best dad i can be to my baby girl "jamilynn" and best husband i can be to my wife "Joelynn". i still have my need for speed but i keep it at a minimum because i have a family now. i dont know what would happen if something happend to me. i've lost too many people i know from speeding. I just got my car back after 4 long months of waiting. its not a good job but at least i got it. it was like something was missing and now everything is back to normal to me. i got my wife, my baby girl, and my ride. if anybody wanna chat, just im me. i'm always up to chatting to new peeps....
my wife's car. still needs work with the paint. shit someone banged her car when it was parked at pearls. it looks like the person didn't know how to park and pressed there front bumper on hers. frikin' losers. ahhhhhh!!
what is TEAM CHASE? :
Team Chase was started back in the day by MR. Pres. Brian who is curently in the main land becomming an engineer. Me and Glen are trying to bring it back because when i first got into cars i wanted to join but at the time, the rules were really strict. So i guess my ride wasn't good enough. Also my friends were in it and so i felt more comfortable with them because everyone was close. Now that i got a new ride and my old ride is better then ever. i wanna bring it back. ...CHASE ME IF YOU CAN... The O.G. guys are over the car scene i think. Most of them are into bikes now. I got new people and some new rules. Right now i'm trying to keep the core guys tight and not bring in just anyone. They have to get along with everyone. that way no one breaks into groups when we have meetings and parties. The 3 mod rule is still in effect though. the basics like drop, rims, and intake. if the car looks good then its easy. Rite now i'm still waiting for my car to get done and i can rep. it everywhere i go. So i hope it gets big again, if not, at least i'm doing what i love doing.
.. ...tEaM cHaSe...

My Interests

"JAMILYNN TACRAS SAUL" since she was born i had to give up alot all for the better. i have too much to loss to do stupid things just for a rush. i'm not a kid anymore, it's my time to be a parent and an adult. something, at one point in my life, that i told myself i would never be.
"JOELYNN TACRAS SAUL" My lovely wife. its a long story on how we meet. i never knew that i would go so far with this woman. i love her to death. she has always been there even i treated her bad. she stuck with me as i did with her. we work things out to the best we can. our love has brought us a baby girl who we hope will have a better childhood and not have a broken home as me and my wife did.

I still owe him his b-day punches



I'd like to meet:

I would like to meet easy going, fun loving people. Into cars and the rave scene.



the chris koga beat down...


UfC, Pride, K-1, ESPN Boxing, C.S.I. and Spike T.V. :)

My Blog

Getting Back into it again. CARS!!!!!

yeah. after taking a break form my hobby due to money problems and moving to ewa beach. i have decided to get back into it. not full on show car kine anymore. i already did that. decided to go with mo...
Posted by PacMan on Mon, 14 Aug 2006 02:41:00 PST

Love Fest!!!!!

Love Fest seemed to go by so fast. Was it the fact that i would spend alot of time just looking for people? or was it because when your having fun time seems to go by fast? I made the most of it ...
Posted by PacMan on Sun, 23 Jul 2006 12:31:00 PST

why do the old hate on the new? i'm not even new!!!

after getting into the rave scene again and getting into the lost art of glowsticking in hawaii. i've noticed and heard about old school ravers that are not into it as i am now, hating on me, new scho...
Posted by PacMan on Tue, 20 Dec 2005 11:38:00 PST

halloween 2005 pics

Posted by PacMan on Thu, 03 Nov 2005 12:58:00 PST

Mini-Rave 9-24-05 PICS!

I wanted to thank everyone for coming to our mini rave. it was a chill party pretty much. gave some good shows and got some good shows. i'll tell you this much though. my arms are killing me. thanks t...
Posted by PacMan on Tue, 27 Sep 2005 04:38:00 PST

summer splash was pretty good.

we first thought that it was only gonna be for couple of hours that they were gonna play trance. turns out was it was at a different stage and it was gonna be all night long. dammit! why!? i would of ...
Posted by PacMan on Sun, 28 Aug 2005 04:15:00 PST

fuck! glow was a waste...

it was so shitty!!! i wish i had known that it was gonna be like that. had hardly anyone there. the music was mostly drum and bass most of the night. we was most waiting for good music to come on. we ...
Posted by PacMan on Sun, 21 Aug 2005 06:08:00 PST

Love Fest 2005

it was the shit!!!. i never had so much fun in such a long time. i pretty much danced from 9:00 p.m. to 4:00 a.m. none stop. well almost none stop. had to drink a lil water every so often. hehe. i gav...
Posted by PacMan on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Happy B-day Arlon! Heres some pics. check it out...

Posted by PacMan on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

i got the chicken pox!!!

yes. its true. i finally got em. the chicken pox. i have no idea how i get em. i don't rememeber being around someone with it. then again there are other ways. anyway, its been hell. i missed a weeks ...
Posted by PacMan on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST