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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I know what all of you are thinking, it's about time I updated this portion of my profile. Here's the generic rundown:I'm 6'4" with a Body Mass Index of 24.1 (18.5-24.9 being normal/healthy). Over the years I've slowly replaced my light brown, and blonde highlites, which white ones. My love for my friends is only surpassed by my love for my family.

By day I work as a manufacturing management for a pharmaceutical, and life science, research equipment manufacturer in Sunnyvale. By night I am The Greatest American Hero.


Don't forget to check out Cookie's webpage by clicking on her picture below and remember to give her a bone :)

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Anne Frank so I can tell how much her story influenced my life. John Irving so I can try to see how my favorite fictional authors mind ticks. "The Sultan of Swat", "The Babe", George Herman Ruth so I can thank him for 86 years of "The Curse".Currently I'd like to meet the upper management of the NY Knicks so I can tell them what they can do Isaiah Thomas...ROFLMFJAO!

My Blog

The Death of Long Lost Forgotten Friend

Today we mourn the passing of a beloved old friend, Common Sense, who has  been with us for many years. No one knows for sure how old he was, since  his birth records were long ago lost in bureaucrati...
Posted by on Thu, 05 Feb 2009 07:31:00 GMT

The Reality of Not Made In The USA

Please excuse the poor grammar for this is a copy and paste from a commonly forwarded email.John Smith started the day early having set his Alarm clock (MADE IN JAPAN ) for 6am.  While his coffee...
Posted by on Wed, 26 Nov 2008 16:41:00 GMT

The truth behind Obama and "No tax hike for the middle class"

Upfront I'd like to thank my friend Q for doing the math and TOTALLY inspiring me to jump on her bandwagon in regards to this issue.  Much love to you and your husband.  Unlike Senator Obama...
Posted by on Tue, 16 Sep 2008 15:31:00 GMT

My Annual 9/11 Reposting

Many a friend and co-worker, over the past two (now 5) years, has asked me what my thoughts on 9/11 are and how I feel. As a native NYC boy my perspective is quite unique and quite frankly this is the...
Posted by on Thu, 11 Sep 2008 14:34:00 GMT

Pot Meets Kettlle...wait my bad just hypocrisy

The below is an excerpt from this weekends "Faith Debate" with Pastor Warner as shown on CNN:"So let's see. By the time he was nominated, Clarence Thomas had worked in the Missouri Attorney General's ...
Posted by on Tue, 19 Aug 2008 17:04:00 GMT

My 1 and Only Summerslam Prediction

Create yours at BlingyBlob.com!
Posted by on Thu, 07 Aug 2008 20:02:00 GMT

How crazy is Nannan Pelosi?

Follow Nannan Pelosi's logic below:More drilling in the U.S. = More dependency on foreign oil producing nationsThe above was pulled from the SF Chronicle.  There is no doubt that she is from our ...
Posted by on Fri, 01 Aug 2008 17:20:00 GMT

Pot calls kettle black yet pot blacker...

Yesterday Nacy Pelosi the Speaker of the House said President Bush is "a total failure".  What I find awefully ironic about this is the folloing polling date from Rasmussen:Congress's Approval Ra...
Posted by on Fri, 18 Jul 2008 08:32:00 GMT

Another Evirowhacko Leftist Lie Revealed!

Another Liberal lie has been revealed and uncovered by the Media.President George W. Bush lifted the Executive Ban on "Offshore Drilling" and since then oil is down 10% in what is less than a weeks ti...
Posted by on Thu, 17 Jul 2008 00:55:00 GMT

A Rant About The Far Left and Or Media - Israel’s "Captured Soldiers"

The media truly pisses me off and this is one of the major reasons why.Let us start with the phrase "The Israeli 'Soldiers' were 'captured'" which we've heard from the "mainstream media".  The tr...
Posted by on Wed, 16 Jul 2008 17:45:00 GMT