My Family, My Car,
My gurlz, My Few True Friends,
Drinkin CoroNas,
Shoes(Dunks),Getting Paid,
Thinking, Texting, Kush,
Bomb Ass Food(Mexican/Cuban),
Changing My Hair Color,
Hip-Hop Shows/Concerts,Cuddling,
Going 2 Da Movies,Bowling..
All That I need to go to The Gym
Me, Daniel, Erika..Our Own Corona Advertisement
Adrianne, Kiya, Me
The World
ReaL HiP-HoP/UndeRgroud.KanyE WesT, CommoN, RuN DmC, KooL G RaP, ThE RootS, JohN LegenD, TaliB KwelI, MoS DeF,LupE FiascO, NaS, JaY-Z, ConsequencE, LiL' BrotheR, N.e.r.D, LauryN HilL, GhostFace Killah, Ne-Yo, GLC, RhimeFesT, Immortal Technique, 9th wonder, Dr.Dre, Beat NutS, D.I.T.C, Da Wu-TanG, KrS OnE, JedI MinD TrickS, Knocturnal, BeaniE SigeL, DialoteD PeopleS, StaT-QuO, JuicE, GrafH, A TribE CalleD QuesT, GangstarR, SupernaturaL, MaDLiB, BilaL, Q-TiP, StyleS P, B.I.G, OutKasT, LudacriS, SauL WilliamS, ErikaH badU, FreE SpeecH, LiterateS.To MarooN 5, JohN MayeR, IncubuS.R&B.
Still like Britney And Pussy~Cat~dolls