The only thing that really intrests me is music. I love music with a passion....I love to learn about it and study it and play it.....there is so many interesting things to know about my oppinion, mankind didnt create music, music is everywhere you go.....mankind didnt create it.
The Best Myspace Survey
* . . About You . . *
Eye Color:: you want to call it
Hair Color:: dark brown....natural blond bangs....a little red and back here and there
Height:: 5'4 and 3/4ths....damn proud....
Favorite Color::
Screen Name:: ~kyle~
Favorite Band:: AC/DC
Favorite Movie:: i dont watch many movies
Favorite Show:: id have to say either spongebob or fosters home
Your Car::
Your Hometown:: colorado springs
Your Present Town:: colorado springs
Your Crushes First Name:: i dont really like anyone right now
Your Grade:: senior in high school
Your Style:: im a loner....more of the rocker look....
* . . Have You Ever . . *
Sat on your rooftop?: yes
Kissed someone in the rain?: yup
Danced in a public place?: many times
Smiled for no reason?: i like to smile
Laughed so hard you cried?: lol, only when eli is around
Peed your pants after age 8?: i think ive peed on my pants.....(drunk night)....
Written a song?: ya
Sang to someone for no reason?: yes
Performed on a stage?: ya...its been a while though
Talked to someone you don't know?: im kinda shy when it comes to that
Gone out of your way to befriend someone?: no
Made out in a theatre?: ya
Gone roller skating since 8th grade?: nope
Been in love?: ....thought i was.....
* . . Who was the last person to . . *
Say HI to you?: ....aaron, i think
Tell you, I love you?: jodi
Kiss you?: ....hhmmm....i think eliza kissed me in the hall today
Hug you?: ...damn....ummm....ive been hugged to many times today to keep track
Tell you BYE?: aaron
Write you a note?: oooo....i havnt writen a note in so long
Take your photo?: probly krista....(another drunk night)....
Call your cell phone?: it was SUPPOSED to be jodi...but i twas my dad
Buy you something?: eli bought me a rockstar the other day...THANK YOU!!!!
Go with you to the movies?: christie
Sing to you?: aaron....we were singing about my sister and a girl named heather
Write a poem about you?: ......i dont think ive ever had a peom written about me
Text message you?: heather
Touch you?: my baby sister, amy
* . . What's the last . . *
Time you laughed?: about an hour ago
Time you cried?: two or three months ago
Movie you watched?: ....dont remember
Joke you told?: i told the farmer joke to some kids....they didnt get it
Song you've sang?: the "marie smoke bar whore song"
Time you've looked at the clock?: 10:14pm....i just looked at it
Drink you've had?: water...and before that, a rockstar
Number you've dialed?: jodi's
Book you've read?: i just finished "The color of Water" by james mcbride
Food you've eaten?: lazana...(s/p)
Flavor of gum chewed?: .....wintergreen?
Shoes you've worn?: DVS
Store you've been in?: ROSS
Thing you've said?: "good night mom"
* . . Can You . . *
Write with both hands?: i can try
Whistle?: ya
Blow a bubble?: ya
Roll your tounge in a circle?: nnnooooo
Cross your eyes?: i used to be able to
Touch your tounge to your nose?: no
Dance?: i atempt to
Gleek?: ....what the fuck is that???
Stay up a whole night without sleep?: ya....(yet another drunk night)
Speak a different language?: i speak nonsence
Impersonate someone?: lol, i can try to
Prank call people?: i dont like to do that
Make a card pyramid?: nope
Cook anything?: im a MASTERFUL chef
* . . Finish The Line . . *
If i were a ...: big rockstar
I wish ...: you were here
So many people don't know that ...: i dont have anything
I am ...: a wallrace
My heart is ...: in the shape of you glasses....or something like that
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Kyle Headington successfully brought about world peace for 3 minutes and 17 seconds.
... afterward, Kyle Headington went to the movies alone.
'How will you be remembered in history books?' at
I want to meet alot of down to earth people.....including juggalos and sexy juggalettes, rockers, bikers, musicians, or any other types of loners. I can get along with pretty much if your reading this feel free to message me or something..I can always do with more friends._________________6_________________ _________________66________________ __________________666_______________ __________________666_______________ __________________6666______________ ___________6______6666_____6________ __________66_____66666_____66_______ __________6666__666666___6666_______ __________6666666666666666666_______ __________66666666666_666666________ _________666666__6666___66666_______ ________666666____666___66666_______ ________66666_____66_____66666______ ______6_66666____6_______66666______ _____66__6666___________66666_______ _____666_66666___6______66666_______ _____6666_66666__666___66666________ ______6666_66666__6666_6666_________ ______66666_66666___66666666________ ________6666__66666___66666666______ _________66666__66666___66666_666___ ___________66666__66666___6666___66_ ____________66666__66666____6666____ ______________66666_66666_6___66____ ______________666666_66666_66__66___ ______________6666666__666_666______ __________66666666666__666__666_____ _______666666666666666__666_666_____ ______66666_______66666__66__666____ _____66666_________66666__6__6666___ ____66666__6________66666_6_66666___ ____66666_66________66666___66666___ ____66666_666_______66666___66666___ ____66666_6666_____66666___6666666__ ____66666__6666___66666___66666666__ ___6666666__6666666666___66666__66__ __666666666__66666666___66666___66__ __6666666666___6666____6666666__6___ _6666__666666___666___666666666_____ _6666___666666______666666_6666_____ _666_____6666666__6666666____66_____ __66_______666666666666______66_____ ___6_________66666666________6______ ___________6666666666_______________ _________666666___6666______________ _____666666_______6666______________ ___________________666______________ ___________________666______________ ___________________666______________ ___________________66_______________ ___________________66_______________ ___________________6________________
My favorite bands are AC/DC, The Jimi Hendrix Experience, Led Zepplin, Black Sabbath, The Greatful Dead, Kiss, ICP, Metallica, and Nirvana. But thats not all of them, theres way to many to name off the top of my head.
I like old horror movies like The Shining and stuff. Some of the new stuff is alright but I dont really watch tv anyways, so ya.......
I like watching cartoons and thats about it. I dont really watch T.V. unless Im bored as hell.
I dont read books...unless I have to. I would much rather be playing my guitar, listening to music, or hanging out with my friends. But some books are alright.
My heroes are Angus Young, Jimi Hendrix, Jerry Garcia, and Eddie Van Halen.....four rock gods.....I will be like them someday.
Take the quiz:
Which Dead Rock Star Are You?
Richey Edwards
You are Richey James Edwards! You're a manic! You aren't too good when it comes to making music, but you're smart and can write well. You're honest and quiet, but different. You are beautiful! Oh, he disappeared in 1995 while on tour with his band Manic Street Preachers.
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!