taylor profile picture



About Me

Taylor is amazing,
Taylor is great,
You can count on me as a friend,
Forgive me if I'm late.
I like to play volleyball,
And I would play with you,
But I would kick your butt,
And that you already knew,
My favorite color's green,
But I also like to wear red,
And my favorite thing of all,
Is hats that go on your head.
I make a mean grilled cheese,
And a bowl of cereal too,
And with all the milk I drink,
I'm sure to outstand you.
All my friends are allergic,
To my dog and my two cats,
So we have picnics outside,
And wear sundresses and hats.
My brother is strange and finds things,
While he searches through alleys and grub,
Once he found sweet speakers,
Along with a hot tub!
You know enough about me,
If want to check and chill,
So if you want to chat,
Stop by my window sill!
I enjoy the simple pleasure in life such as:
sharpened pencils
crayons and coloring books
pumpkin seeds
fresh juicy markers
and mud.
I love febreze
I own 9 perfumes
I have 0 abercrombie
I hate laguna beach
the metric system is more practical
dissappointment is my worst fear
I have a 37 year old sister
drawing is my favorite hobby
I'm a pack rat
Pocohontas is my hero
I sleep with a teddy bear
don't bother me while I'm concentrating
I like the word gawk
I enjoy treasures from foreign places
Kayak is the same spelled forwards and backwards
I'm terrified of large boats
I love everything about bonfires
Heavy metal bugs me
And if you ask me to draw you something, chances are you'll get a real nice picture by tomorrow.
First Name: Taylor
Middle Name: Amy
Birthday: April 26, 1990
Eyes: hazelnut
Hair: dark brown
Fav color: green
Day/Night: I'm a night owl
Fave Food: steak and artichokes
Do you ever wish you had another name? YES. I always think about what my parents were thinking of naming me. Other girls' names: BRILANN, MICHAEL, and Mackenzie and if I was a boy they would have named me LOREN
When you cried the most: in junior high. for me, those two years didn't happen. I completely block them out of my mind.
What's the best feeling in the world: being thoroughly happy
Worst Feeling: when someone is dissappointed in you
Ran away from home: yes
Skipped school: yes
Broken someone's heart: no
Been in love: no
Cried when someone died: yes
Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have: of course
Done something embarrassing: part of everyday life
Done a drug: no
Cried in school: yes
Your Good Luck Charm: support
Person You Hate Most: blech, brittany holmes or sid kenyon. ima hurl
Best Thing That Has Happened: high school
Ice Cream: Sherman's Peppermint Stick
WHO Makes you laugh the most: Allie Boyaris
Fallen for your best friend?: every one of my best boys were my crushes before we became best friends
Made out with JUST a friend?: yes
Kissed two people in the same day?: yes
Had sex with two different people in the same day?: no
Been rejected: . not to my face
Been in love?: no
Been used?: no
Done something you regret?: of course
Cheated on someone?: no
Been called a tease: no


My Interests

Abnormally tall people who knock off boxes of pop-tarts in between meals, armenian girls that tan on roofs, Korean photographers who double as liberos, loud and beautiful girls that live on BelleForte, middles that play center, bonfireside musicians, my equals who are exactly the opposite, badgers, columbian cousins, and girls with too much hair.

Palisades, Photographing, Drawing, Coloring books with crayons, Swimming, Biking, Playing night games (i.e. capture the flag; kick the can; ghost in the graveyard; ditch), Looking at the stars, and DANCING TO MY OWN BEAT.

I'd like to meet:

The creator of Furby so I can kick them in the face.

But really, I'm up to anyone! Come on, let's go (sn) parTAYTAY

Where you wanna be
I have a lot of people jealous of the friends I got.

Here is where you should be


Anything from Beyonce to Charles Mingus to Ben Folds to James Brown.
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High Fidelity. all to say.


Hazelwood High Trilogy by Sharon M. Draper, High Fidelity, Series of Unforunate Events, Red Tent, Time Traveler's Wife


Heroes? plenty. Superheroes? BATMAN

Take the quiz: "What SuPeR HeRo Would You Be?"

You're mysterious, but you love your town and you will do anything to protect it.