Mighty Moses profile picture

Mighty Moses

Your boyfriend sucks at rapping!!!

About Me

Long is the road and years have i spent alone in lowley places with no map to lead me home holy father forsake me not the road ahead is full of rocks give i the patience and wisdom to know how to manuever this rocky road the road to Zion is narrow and steap many shall be called but few shall trod its peeks for long is the road and years will you spend in search for the highest truth you canât find in the church the road to babylon is traveled by many the predictable life where money breeds complacency for long is the road and years will you spend getting by paycheck to paycheck lie after lie two roads that I can take one leads to babylon the other to Zion gates I choose to trod Mt Zion real editor best profile tools real editor best profile tools

myspace profile editor .

My Interests


Member Since: 8/22/2004
Band Website: underconstruction
Band Members: M I G H T Y M O S E S ! ! ! ! !
Influences: Drums
Sounds Like: The shit you love to hate on
Record Label: Further Edukation
Type of Label: None

My Blog

need beats?

Any heads out there need hi-fi studio quality beats,please get at me.we'll take it from there..one
Posted by Mighty Moses on Wed, 20 Aug 2008 04:55:00 PST