Name: Meg
Birthdate: 12/28/1983
Eye color: Blue/Green
Hair color: Blonde
Height: 5'10"
Weight: Ha...never!
Piercings: Just the ears
Tatoos: Dos...hip and foot
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Fiance right now...soon to be husband! Favorites
Place to relax: Bubble bath if I'm alone...lazy day in bed or on the couch with Adam if I'm not!
Outdoor activity: Reading on a floaty in the pool!
Colors: Pink and Tiffany Blue (the wedding colors)!
Animal: My baby boy Luke Steagle the Beagle...he's the cutest dog!
Drink: Monster and Vodka or Wine
Actor/Actress: Sarah Jessica Parker
Body Part on Opposite sex: Good Arms & Butt...which Adam has both! This or That
Fling or relationship: Since there's a wedding in the works I don't think I'm allowed flings too, am I babe?!...haha only kidding...I've never been happier!
Romantic or hot & heavy: Umm...BOTH and I've definitely found that!
Friends or friends with benefits: Friends
Mountains or beach: BEACH!
Rap or Rock: Rock
Summer or Winter: Summer
Get up & dance or sit & watch: Depends on how much I've had to drink!
Love or Money: L-O-V-E! YOUR...
Usual Bedtime: When Adam wakes me up from the couch to go upstairs! Ha sad but true.
Most Missed Memory: My first cat...Pixie
Best phyiscal feature: Eyes/Boobs
First Thought Waking Up: Shut UP f**king alarm clock!
Goal for this year: Have a fun and low stress wedding on the beach...then just be a happy wife!
Best Friends: Adam, Emily, Mandi, Kate and Des
Weakness: SHOPPING!!!
Biggest Fears: Losing people close to me...tight closed spaces...bugs (ick!)
Longest relationship: 6 years...a lot of lessons learned...but the experience better forgotten. HAVE YOU...
Ever Drank too much: Umm yeah I may have a couple of times!
Ever Smoked cigarettes: I have...don't do it often
Ever done drugs: Dido
Ever accidentally tripped then started jogging: clumsy ass has definitely done that!
Ever called your boyfriend/girlfriend one of your ex's names: No I'm good with keeping details straight
Ever accidentally talked shit about someone standing behind you: O yeah...damn that sucks
Ever Skinny Dipped: Yep, good times...we need a pool again!
Ever cheated with your boyfriend's/girlfriend's best friend: HELL NO!...I wouldn't cheat with anyone much less a friend. IN A GUY/GIRL
Favorite Eye Color: Green
Favorite Hair Color: Brown
Style: Just need to have some! (And he finally does, huh babe?!)
Height: 6'0" plus...I'm tall!!!
Looks or Personality: Gotta be a little of both to work
Sweet or Cocky: Again a little of both
Hot or Cute: Either/Or
Drugs and Alcohol: Alcohol's good!
Muscular or thin: Muscular RANDOMS
Been in Love: I'm more in love now than I've ever been!
Want to get Married: Well since the dress is bought, trips are booked and an incredibly expensive reception has been paid for I sure hope I want to get married!!!
Do you want Children: In a few years.
What country do you want to Visit: Tahiti
Are You a Health Freak: Sometimes
Do you think your Attractive: Most of the time
How would you want to Die: Old and peacefully
One thing you have to do before you die: Hmm...that one's my secret. You Are Most Like Carrie!
You're quirky, flirty, and every guy's perfect first date.
But can the guy in question live up to your romantic ideal?
It's tough for you to find the right match - you're more than a little picky.
Never fear... You've got a great group of friends and a
great closet of clothes, no matter what!
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
♥The things men should know that women want and I found one that does!♥