My Blog
Someone teach me how to not doubt myself or second-guess everything good that ever happens to me. Gaaah.
Posted by on Fri, 05 Jan 2007 15:19:00 GMT
I'm a big loser, but I like local bands!
I wish I could remember every show I've been to in this city, even the horrible ones. I remember my first show; I remember bits of other shows. I'll never forget certain shows. I'm g...
Posted by on Fri, 05 May 2006 21:13:00 GMT
Ode to my good friends
I have very few close friends, but to those few I have... I love you, seriously. I would be nothing without the people that I allow myself to open up to. I keep everyone at arm's length, if not fart...
Posted by on Sun, 11 Dec 2005 09:34:00 GMT
2005 Retrospective
Stolen from Matty F
1) Was 2005 a good year for you?
Overall, it gets a "meh".
2) What was your favorite moment of the year?
I really have no idea. There were so many good times, mostly in th...
Posted by on Tue, 06 Dec 2005 22:09:00 GMT
I applied to college
Canadore: Broadcasting - Television and Video Production Algonquin: Broadcasting - Television Fanshawe: Broadcasting - Television Humber: Film and Television Production Niagara: Broadcasting - Tel...
Posted by on Mon, 07 Nov 2005 19:49:00 GMT