"Boundaries of Attraction" is going to INDIE FEST USA 2009! |
"Boundaries of Attraction" has been chosen as an official selection at the 2009 INDIE FEST USA ( http://www.indiefestusa.com/film_festival.html ) at Downtown Disney in Anaheim, California!
While ... Posted by on Sat, 06 Jun 2009 10:10:00 GMT |
"Boundaries of Attraction" nearly ready for festivals! |
I've received several e-mails recently, wondering if we're stillfilming "The Resurrection", and the answer to that is "Yes!" We shotsome outdoor footage for it, back in October, and almost filmed on... Posted by on Tue, 06 Jan 2009 12:51:00 GMT |
"Boundaries of Attraction" rough cut goes over great at the party and a bunch of other stuff! |
We had a "sneak preview" of our new short film, "Boundaries of Attraction" this past Sunday, and the reaction was better than I could have hoped! We've had reactions varying from "touching" to being o... Posted by on Fri, 05 Sep 2008 13:57:00 GMT |
Its a wrap for "Boundaries of Attraction"! |
After an incredibly intense filming shoot - nine days of almost round-the-clock filming - we wrapped at midnight on Saturday, then partied until dawn. Most of the cast lived and slept in the Derry Hou... Posted by on Tue, 12 Aug 2008 15:30:00 GMT |
Rehearsals for "Boundaries of Attraction" |
Taken from News section of www.dunkirkstudios.com Check them out! "The Resurrection" has been put on hold temporarily - just about five weeks, until "Boundaries of Attraction" is in the can. For thos... Posted by on Mon, 07 Jul 2008 15:21:00 GMT |
Casting Call for "Boundaries of Attraction"! |
In addition to continuing filming on "The Resurrection" (we just filmed a night scene with Rob and Cory, plus some additional footage of Claire and our friend, Howard Stith), we have begun casting for... Posted by on Mon, 02 Jun 2008 17:39:00 GMT |
Dunkirk Studios - Casting Call - "Boundaries of Attraction" (Working Title) PLEASE CROSSPOST |
Alright everyone, Dunkirk Studios is at it again. We're making another movie this summer tentatively called "Boundaries of Attraction". It is to be shot from August 2nd - August 9th. Please crosspost ... Posted by on Mon, 26 May 2008 20:37:00 GMT |
Spaghetti and Cute Baby Goats |
I haven't time to update the blog in a couple weeks, but we've been busy finishing up the first two-thirds of "Resurrection". There are a few scenes yet to go, while we plan to film the final scenes. ... Posted by on Mon, 12 May 2008 13:51:00 GMT |
Two-thirds in the can |
With the theoretical coming of Spring over a week ago (it’s snowing outside, as I’m writing this), we’ve had to scramble to finish every shot that might need snow on the ground. A ... Posted by on Mon, 31 Mar 2008 22:09:00 GMT |
A great review of "The Sacrifice"! |
It was brought to my attention just a few days ago that, Paul Jack, at DoorQ.com, posted a review of "The Sacrifice" in November, called "The Sacrifice (2005) - The Whipped Cream on your Microb... Posted by on Fri, 21 Mar 2008 19:07:00 GMT |