*choose LiFe, choose PoSiTiViTy, choose the GoLdEn RuLe, choose to be at PeAcE with YoUrSeLf, choose SaLvAtIoN, choose to make a DiFfErEnCe, choose to BE DiFfErEnT, choose to BE a DiVa, choose to BE FuNkY, choose to BE YoUrSeLf, choose to CREATE a FaShIoN StAtEmEnT*
Create your own Friend Quiz here
I also play the piano when I have time, and I sing in my church choir too!
"Riding through waves of MUSIC and Space-MUSIC is magic-magic is life-Loved as never Loved before..."
my VOGUE magazine, and The Things They Carried by: Tim O'Brien
Ninja Turtles ♥ & my Momma ::: This section is dedicated to my Grandmommy (harley momma) who died in 2002, RIP!