~*~Å vêr¥ BlÜr and ¢hEerfÜl persÓn.L!ke§ to âlwaY§ êxaggâratê thing§ Üp,like§ to woRr¥ thing§ too mÜch Ju§t for NÓTHING!! L0ve +o bê w!+h my F®iÊÑd§,fÜNn¥ !de⧠¢0me§ Üp w!+h §urpRi§e§ f0r F®iÊÑd§. Dislikê GÜ¥s whÓ ¢onfe5s their feêlings towârds mii(ExcÜses Ónly lah),BELIEVE tat "Never Give ÜP",is the onl¥ chÓice tat i w!ll makê in Åny Relâ+ionsh!p.I lovê t0 DÅydreâming Ånd think Ålot to makê m¥5êlf feêls HÅPPier + Crâziêr!!(which mÓst gÅls did t0Ó,i gÜess sÓ).~*~
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~*~§omE0nê Like ºJ⥠Choܺ!!!CharÅcter..Prêfer §h¥( bÜt not tat ExtrêMe lah),humoÜrÓu§(but not l!ke §iâo kia hor)....§omE0nê wh0 i ¢an +ru§t,plÅ¥ with and §hârê âll prÓblem§ âll +he timê.~*~