Lokai was an inhabitant of the planet Cheron. He was half white and half black, with a dividing line which ran down the middle of his body and he was oppressed on Cheron because of this. Those of the ruling class on Cheron were also black and white, but they were black on the right side, not the left side as Lokai's people were. He had a natural force field protecting him from phaser fire as well as some form of electrical field that could be used as a weapon. In 2268, Lokai requested political asylum aboard the USS Enterprise but this request was refused because he had stolen a Federation shuttlecraft and Captain Kirk decided to take him to the nearest starbase to face criminal charges. For over 50,000 years, he had been pursued by Commissioner Bele, an official from Cheron's Commission on Political Traitors. Then Commissioner Bele comes aboard the Enterprise. Captain Kirk refused to turn Lokai over to him and he also would not take them to Cheron. Bele then hijacks the Enterprise but released control back to Captain Kirk once the self-destruct program had been activated by the ship's master computer. Once the Enterprise had completed its decontamination mission to the planet Ariannus, Bele then regained control of the ship and headed for Cheron. Upon their arrival, Bele and Lokai learned that the entire population of Cheron had been wiped out as the result of a civil war. Captain Kirk then offered them a chance to live on the Enterprise, which was rejected. Lokai then beamed down to the dead planet with Commissioner Bele in pursuit, still obssessed with bringing him to justice even though there was no one else now living on Cheron.
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
Any world which will grant me political asylum and protection from Commissioner Bele!