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Warninq: if you dnt like what your readinq thuss far, Peace &be off, you obv. cant handle the truth. :-) Furthermore, you qot thee basics, so heres the qood ish :-) Well, Im 17years of aqe &wise beyond imaqine, unique vocabulary &very outspoken. My termonoLoqy is mature &honest. Im confident but never cocky. Very leader like, couraqeous, short-tempered, impatient &dynamic. Ive made mistakes in my life, in which iDnt reqret because they've made me who iAm today &they were lessons learned, .. Im only human, watchu expect? &For all of those who think they know me.. iForqive you. Imma complete &Utter sweetheart despite my potty mouth :-X / ;-). iDnt have many female friends &quite frankly iDnt want any. Im on the road to success so if n e of yall think you can stop mee, iRespect you, cuz yall dream REAL BIG. Most of yall are so uneducated &lame that iCould honestly careLess watchu qutta say about me, cuz reqardless iGet mine :-) Call me a bitch, but say that aint real lol. Im free but im focused, Im hiqh but im qrounded, Im lost but im hopeful, im shy but im friendly, &Im much stronqer than whats assumed. iLive MY life, the way I want to, you qot a problem? Find someone else to focus on. A lot of what iSay qets misinterpreted simply because your just not on my level. iLove basketbalL. iLive life sweetly.. takinq in each beauty as it comes, iLet the qood overcome the bad &iThrive to be the best that iCan be. iCant stand disrespectful, iqnorant, uneducated, relentless, lyinq and incompetent people, however, iLOVE unique, interestinq, musically inclined, respectful, funny, outqoinq people, &the list qoess on. iBelieve nothinq in life thats worth havinq is ever qoinq to be easy, so iWork to qet where iWanna be. iLove my family more than n e thinq in the world. Imma sinqer, its more of a passion then a passtime. Im wifed up by Music, Consider me madly in love :-) - &With all the people in the world who cLaim their "different", let Me Prove iht to you. Questions/Comments/ Complaints?-Get@Me.
|| Rest In Paradise, K.J.W // Mummy ♥ ||
My Mother once wrote me a letter, just to tell me that she loved me. One part of the letter, stated: "I couldn't live without you, my darlinq dauqhter, &don't ever forqet it." Well I haven't forqotten &never will, but now I have to live life without Her &I can't help but wish we had traded places. A mother of "6", a local "Dr.Phil" &a true soldier. I miss her more than one could ever express in words. The days &niqhts we've shared toqether, countless conversations about absolutely nothinq, was truly my favorite. This woman was the only person i knew that had a heart of qold and a backbone made of steel, because even throuqh all her trials &tribulations, she still succeded in puttinq a smile on everyones face. I'll never forqet the niqht before you died. &I'll never forqet how someones whole world . . could chanqe in a matter of hours. She was my bestfriend, the one person i could qo to for absolutely anythinq & not feel out of place. She was the true definition of strenqth. I don't cry much, believe me, (ask around) but whenever I even utter her name, it makes me want to. Not out of sympathy, not out of sorrow, but love. Ma, You was only 32years old, with a whole lifetime to qo. &You weren't qiven the world, but you qrasped the mentality of Life SO well, you knew exactly what to do in any particular situation, it amazed me. I hope i've made you proud. Next year is qoinq to be my senior year, Yupp Mommy im qrowin up, &id qive absolutely anythinq to have you see me qet my diploma, see me qet married, see me have my first baby, or even let you yell at me for datinq an asshole. Your last breathe took mine. &Mummy, Bottom line is, nobody could fathom how I feel when it comes to you. I could qo on for days on how you were THEE qreatest, &how I Wish you were still around so people could experience your beauty / inside &out, but theres just not enouqh time, or space. &I've thouqht about you every day since you've been qone, &I promise, ill remain stronq for the family. I love you with every remaininq piece of my heart. Rest In Peace <3