(THE OFFICIAL) Julia Myspace Page ... profile picture

(THE OFFICIAL) Julia Myspace Page ...

I am here for Dating, Friends and Networking

About Me

The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to go to the market with Alice Waters. I'd like to spend a day in the kitchen with Julia Child. I'd like to attend a lecture at Berkley with Micheal Pollan. I'd like to have coffee with Albert Einstein. I'd like to be in the presence of Katherine Hepburn. LOSERS = MEN m0st MeN iN tHis w0rLd d0 aS tHey pLeaSe.. ★ WhaTeVer maKes tHem HaPPy wiTh0ut thHr0wiN uS a LittLe BiT of c0nSideRati0n.. ★ TheY d0n't RegaRd 0uR FeeLiNgs, 0r tHe c0nSeQueNceS oF tHeiR aCti0nS.. ★ BeCauSe 0f tHe LacK oF ReSpeCt 0n tHeiR paRt, We w0maN HaVe SuCCuMbeD t0 wHaT wE caLL MaN-BaShiNg!! ★ ThaT's wHeRe tHe Pr0bLem LieS.. ★ We SiT BaCk && TaLk sHiT, c0mpLaiN, BiTcH && m0aN!! ★ && aT tHe EnD oF tHe DaY HaS tHiS MaDe aNy DiFFeRenCe?? ★ NaH!! ★ We GeT t0 VeNt 0uR fRuStRati0ns WiTh 0uR GirL fRieNdS 0veR DriNkS 0r wHaTeVeR BuT aLL iN aLL tHe MaN-BaShiNg HaSn'T SoLveD aNyThiNg.. ★★ LaDieS, wE NeeD t0 PuT 0uR FooT d0wN.. ★ We NeeD t0 LeT tHeSe MeN Kn0w tHaT iT aiNt g0nNa HaPPen n0 m0re!! ★ aS 0pp0seD t0 SiTTiNg BaCk && c0mPlaiNinG, wE nEEd t0 uNiTe && PuT uP a FiGhT.. ★ THESE MEN ARE ONLY DOIN TO US WHAT WE ALLOW THEM TO!! ★ iF wE aLL LeaRn t0 ReaLLy LoVe, VaLuE && ReSpeCt 0uRseLveS, 0uR mEn WiLL t00.. ★ StaNd uP FoR wHaT y0u BeLieVe && LeT n0 MaN PuT uS uNdeR.. ★★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

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