I'd like to go to the market with Alice Waters. I'd like to spend a day in the kitchen with Julia Child. I'd like to attend a lecture at Berkley with Micheal Pollan. I'd like to have coffee with Albert Einstein. I'd like to be in the presence of Katherine Hepburn. LOSERS = MEN m0st MeN iN tHis w0rLd d0 aS tHey pLeaSe.. ★ WhaTeVer maKes tHem HaPPy wiTh0ut thHr0wiN uS a LittLe BiT of c0nSideRati0n.. ★ TheY d0n't RegaRd 0uR FeeLiNgs, 0r tHe c0nSeQueNceS oF tHeiR aCti0nS.. ★ BeCauSe 0f tHe LacK oF ReSpeCt 0n tHeiR paRt, We w0maN HaVe SuCCuMbeD t0 wHaT wE caLL MaN-BaShiNg!! ★ ThaT's wHeRe tHe Pr0bLem LieS.. ★ We SiT BaCk && TaLk sHiT, c0mpLaiN, BiTcH && m0aN!! ★ && aT tHe EnD oF tHe DaY HaS tHiS MaDe aNy DiFFeRenCe?? ★ NaH!! ★ We GeT t0 VeNt 0uR fRuStRati0ns WiTh 0uR GirL fRieNdS 0veR DriNkS 0r wHaTeVeR BuT aLL iN aLL tHe MaN-BaShiNg HaSn'T SoLveD aNyThiNg.. ★★ LaDieS, wE NeeD t0 PuT 0uR FooT d0wN.. ★ We NeeD t0 LeT tHeSe MeN Kn0w tHaT iT aiNt g0nNa HaPPen n0 m0re!! ★ aS 0pp0seD t0 SiTTiNg BaCk && c0mPlaiNinG, wE nEEd t0 uNiTe && PuT uP a FiGhT.. ★ THESE MEN ARE ONLY DOIN TO US WHAT WE ALLOW THEM TO!! ★ iF wE aLL LeaRn t0 ReaLLy LoVe, VaLuE && ReSpeCt 0uRseLveS, 0uR mEn WiLL t00.. ★ StaNd uP FoR wHaT y0u BeLieVe && LeT n0 MaN PuT uS uNdeR.. ★★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★