Some ancient wisdom to live by:
Watch your thoughts; they become words.
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits; they become character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.
Some conventional wisdom to live by:
"Smile pretty and watch your back"
— Ani DiFranco
I complain a lot, I'm stubborn, I'll fight with you about damn near anything and then forget about it after two minutes. I'm opinionated, stand-offish and, generally speaking, can be a complete asshole... these things are more or less accepted by my friends and if they bother you, we probably won't get along all that well. However, if you can see past my ample shortcomings, I'll bend over backwards to help you, mow your lawn, help your parents, help you move when it's time to go and promote random acts of kindness.