Sara [10.30.07] profile picture

Sara [10.30.07]

Smile it confuses people

About Me

I'm a senior in high school I love everyone, but once u cross me I hate you forever. I never forgive, never forget. I'm so freakin crazy that it is unbelievable. I'm never hyped about fashion, make-up and all that shit so if u dont like my pics then that sucks for you. I hate freshmen with a burning passion. i love to sketch things and draw amazing stuff like fallen angels. I love the Yankees (Yes I know I'm from Massachusetts) i'm Italian and proud of it. A huge turn-off for me is smoking, theres nothing worse than seeing someone stick something in their mouth that causes cancer. Redsox fans suck too. I really hate peple on myspace who make pretend like their a famous movie star. Seriously people, get a life. Oh yeah and one more thing, dont add me just to make yourself look like you have friends its not worth my time to have some idiot try to look popular

I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !

My Interests

Definatly music, movies, I love sports, Yankees, sketching pics, dark things, hooded sweatshirts, staring at shiny things on the ground, boys, food, sleeping and so much more

I'd like to meet:

Anyone who has a good sence of humor


Avenged Sevenfold, Lamb of God, Flyleaf, My Chemical Romance, The Used, Flipside, Smashing Pumpkins, Misfits, Blink182, Offspring, 3Doors Down, Good Charlotte, Lonestar, cant think of anymore but i like everything except for hip hop and rap


Gladiator, Pirates of the Caribbien, Armagedon, White Chicks, Hildago, Secret Window, LOTR....


Supernatural, Lost, Prisonbreak, MTV, CSI, and all the good stuff


Anything that has any kind of action in it
You Are Scary
You even scare scary people sometimes! How Scary Are You?


Every policeman, firefighter and brave soldier in this country- including my dad