Definatly music, movies, I love sports, Yankees, sketching pics, dark things, hooded sweatshirts, staring at shiny things on the ground, boys, food, sleeping and so much more
Anyone who has a good sence of humor
Avenged Sevenfold, Lamb of God, Flyleaf, My Chemical Romance, The Used, Flipside, Smashing Pumpkins, Misfits, Blink182, Offspring, 3Doors Down, Good Charlotte, Lonestar, cant think of anymore but i like everything except for hip hop and rap
Gladiator, Pirates of the Caribbien, Armagedon, White Chicks, Hildago, Secret Window, LOTR....
Supernatural, Lost, Prisonbreak, MTV, CSI, and all the good stuff
Anything that has any kind of action in it
You Are Scary
You even scare scary people sometimes!
How Scary Are You?
Every policeman, firefighter and brave soldier in this country- including my dad