We are 2 Dnb heads who love making all flavours of drum n bass. We are formely known as Dj Snowy Valentine and Dr Deadly Ed.
We were ravers and lovers of dnb right back in the early nineties and have never stopped loving it. We started out Djing back in 98 playing and performing on the local club circuit. We also got out and about playing on pirate radio stations in and around essex.
We started producing together in 2004 and went under the name of Terra-rise but due to other commitments we decided to go our seperate ways and get on with the dull boring day to day stuff of working life. We still kept in contact and occasionally met up going out having a rave up to many dnb nights all over the uk.
As our love for dnb never stopped we decided that in early 2008 we should regroup and start getting on the production side of things again!! So here we are today under the name of BASS-MANIACS :-)
We would love to hear your comments and thoughts as the criticisms will help us develop and move forward with our music style. RESPECT
To check out our earlier bits from 2004/05 then please check here.....http://www.myspace.com/terrarise