A HUGE THANKS TO AARON SAYERS FOR RECORDING AND MIXING THE NEW TRACK FOR US!! This is a brand new band from Bristol/Leeds. We have been in the same originals bands previously and split up and went our own seperate ways to join other bands and projects. After about a year of not playing together, we have decided it is our sworn duty to get back together with a different line up, name, a new attitude and a different way of song writing. Thus "Sleeping With Satellites" was born! We have gone for a more abstract approach to the way we have been writing new songs. We've decided to go for a much more aggressive "BALLS OUT" sound for most of the songs written. With an interesting and exciting concoction of fast upbeat choruses,beafy riffage, drum machines and electrical glitch sound effects in the other parts of the songs, we've tried to hit people in the gut with our songs from start to finish without giving you a chance to gasp for breath. Please stay tuned for more new songs to soon be put on the music player. Mean while please check out the one song that is already uploaded on the music profile and please enjoy!