Member Since: 1/29/2008
Band Members:After leading worship for 10 years and Ministering to the lost with Sozorox, the Christian Hard Rock Band from the St. Louis area for 5 years......God said "it's time!" Stored away in my "lil' vault", were many demo recording's. After listening, I realized, all of them need to be re-recorded, still, I couldn't wait to release the rough cuts to the world. The many prayers for direction and requests from those who like a more "contemporary" sound, I was led to start DL Ministries for the purpose of reaching the lost with the songs that God fills my spirit with! A third Ministry position means more dedication, but I believe that God has given me the purpose of reaching many through the power of this music, maybe a "place" many people will find Him easier than walking in a Church, feeling "out of place". These songs share the truth......His love is for all.....just ask Him.
Influences: Darren currently uses the following-
-07' Jackson DKM2 White Bengal Ltd./07'Ibanez Rg42D/
-Line 6/Bogner all tube head/Marshall 4x12 mode four cabs
-Line 6 X2 Wireless system
-Dunlop Jazz III Ultex Picks
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: Indie