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I'm a one year old 1/2 Miniature Sharpei, and 1/2 Boston Terrier. In the designer dog world I'm refered to as a Charbo. My dad got me out of a box at Walmart in Warrensburg Missouri last Febuary. I started riding motorcycles at the age of two month's old. My dad and I have logged about 4500 miles in 2007. My favorite rides are the ones we do for charities for animals and children. My three favorite rides in 2007 were, Miles for Medals that benefits the the local athletes who compete in the special olympics, NAWS which benefited the North Kansas City Animal shelter, and Bikers for Babies which benefits the March of Dimes. My dad and I get out as much as we can in the Kansas City, so if you see us out, and take our picture , send it to us and we will put it on my-space for everyone to enjoy. see ya out there, and remember to watch for motorcycles. thanks Sugar. Lion Hugging