well my name is areli but u can call me armee.. i luv music.. i thing im a nice girl and Im funny, i like to be myself, dont pretend.. i cant stand people who pretend to be that way just to be acepted.. i fucking hate hipocrecy.. i mean we all are hypocrites at some time but there are limits ... i hate reageton it sux, that is 4 people without creativity !!, i hate racism and/or when people judge u just because the way u dress or look .. (remember the biggest criminals in the world dress of suit beginning with mR bush).. i like Cloudy days but not so cloudy, and i love vanilla flavor (¡?) any way just add! o_O href="http://www.msplinks.com/MDFodHRwOi8vZXMueW91dHViZS5jb2 0vd2F0Y2g/dj1WQlNKTjBmb1F4OA==">The Distillers - Beat Your Heart
i fuckin..love this song !! and brody too
Ride The Wings Of Pestilence