OK, OK I have finally come to terms with the fact that I AM 29...shit, that took a lot of therapy to say out loud. I will be the first to admit that I still act like I am 12, in the respect that I love to play, I still laugh my ass off at cartoons or funny commercials, cereal for dinner is an excelent meal, the louder the music the better it is, jumping on the bed is an absolute must,running and sliding on floors is always good entertainment (except at work...for some reason those floors aren't so slick)...and of course performing any stunt that could potentialy land me in jail or the hospital....lol...ahhh good times. I love running with scissors (the danger gives me an adrenaline rush), and I also plan on entering the plastic cuterly olympics again this year, I am a 4 yr winner and proud member of the A.U.P.N.S.T (advanced underwater pisticaio nut stacking team). I have amazing kids with the coolest hair, and one of the funniest hubby's you have ever met. I have been known to analize people...yea..that's definitly true.....consider yourself analized. I have been told that my behavior is out of control...but honestly...who gives a shit?!?!. I can get loud and obnoxious at times and am often found singing and dancing at the most inappropiate times. I hate to wear shoes yet I am highly addicted to buying them. I secretly enjoy drinking pickle juice from the jar( of course now it's not a secret now is it??.....fuck), and I love to eat with my fingers. I don't like following rules and love to see how far I can push ppl at times. I love to act a fool out in public and the ppl who know me well find this to be one of the many perks of grocery shopping with me. My kids are the coolest and I'm glad I finally have somebody to play with. I'm easy going and very loving and enjoy what life has to offer ( especially slip n' slides with baby oil & drunken encounters with trampolines)...I'm still trying to figure out a way to jump out of that tree onto the trampoline like Ty. I love meeting new and interesting ppl. If there is something you want to know just ask.....Just to make breaking the ice a lil easier I will go first with the questions....this one has been gnawing at me all weekend.......have you ever closed your eyes and been on a chicken farm but the only thing is, the chickens have human arms and your like.."what the fuck, why do those chickens have human arms?"........or do you ever want to play battleship but you remember you don't have battleship. So you decide to make up your own game with a bat and a porcupine. So you go on ebay to find a porcupine and realize that nobody sells porcupines???
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