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"Even in our sleep, pain that can not forget falls drop by drop upon the human heart and in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom through the awesome grace of God" ~ Aeschylus 525BC - 456BCDavid Korten
Punk, pop, blues, folk, opera, whatever - I like it all. I like it if it makes me feel something. Lately I've been listening to a lot of emotive modern fusions.
I have one.
Marianne Williamson - A Return to Love, Everyday Grace, A Woman's Worth, The Gift of Change, Illuminata, Enchanted Love, etc. Pema Chodron - When Things Fall Apart, The Places that Scare You. Deepok Chopra - 7 Habits, The Deeper Wound, etc. Emmit Fox - Surmon on the Mount, Seven Main Aspects of God, David Korten - The Great Turning, Rom Dass - Compassion in Action, Ernest Holmes - Science of Mind, etc. Kurtz/Ketcham - The Spirituality of Imperfection, Eckart Tolle - The Power of Now, Thoreau - Walden, Emmerson, Sartre, Socrates, Ghandi, MLK Jr...and certainly not least: The Bible, The Big Book and The Freedom of the Hills, more
Jesus, Mahatma Ghandi, MLK Jr, JFK, Einstein, my Dad, Louisa, Paddy, Damon, there are many. Barack Obama