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About Me

The Kansas Compassionate Care Coalition (KSCCC) is a grassroots organization that advocates for a change in Kansas law to allow people with serious and terminal medical conditions to obtain and use a limited amount of marijuana if recommended by their physician.Currently, Kansas law makes the use of marijuana illegal for any purpose. A conviction for first-time possession of any amount of marijuana for personal use is punishable by up to one year in jail and a fine of up to $2,500. The cultivation of five or more marijuana plants, even for medical purposes, is a felony charge punishable by 11-17 years in prison.An affirmative defense law in Kansas would protect patients -- and their caregivers -- from being arrested, prosecuted, and convicted for possessing and growing a small amount of medical marijuana.The KSCCC supports this statement of principle regarding the medical use of marijuana:Licensed medical doctors should not be punished for recommending the medical use of marijuana to seriously ill people, and seriously ill people should not be subject to criminal sanctions for using marijuana under the recommendation of their physician.Robert T. Stephan, the longest serving Attorney General in Kansas (1995-1979) and a Republican, testified in SUPPORT of the Kansas Medical Marijuana Defense Act. A bill that would provide a medical necessity defense to persons charged with possession of marijuana in Kansas. The Senate Health Care Strategies Committee heard the bill.http://www.youtube.com/user/Kansan4MedicalMarijuHere is a fantastic YouTube link - this guy is doing great work! http://www.youtube.com/user/livefreenh

My Blog

KSCCC News and volunteer opportunities

There are two opporunities to volunteer this summer at outdoor events: Wakarusa Music Festival, Clinton State Park, June 5-8 Volunteers are needed to staff our table at the Wakarusa Music Festiva...
Posted by on Wed, 26 Mar 2008 21:28:00 GMT

News from KSCCC

  Video on YouTube   Ever wondered why someone would oppose a medical marijuana bill in Kansas? Watch Dr. Eric Voth describe why it’s OK to continue to arrest sick and dying Kansans wh...
Posted by on Wed, 26 Mar 2008 21:26:00 GMT

Where does YOUR politician stand?

We found this on Mikey’s blog. Thanks Mikey!! ProCon.org contacted the 2008 Presidential candidates to ask their positions on the question, "Should marijuana be a medical option?"   http:/...
Posted by on Mon, 17 Mar 2008 18:32:00 GMT

KS Medical Marijuana Defense Act, SB 556

KS Medical Marijuana Defense Act, SB 556On February 11, the Senate Health Care Strategies committee held a hearing on SB 556 that would allow for legal protections for patients who use, and physicians...
Posted by on Wed, 27 Feb 2008 12:39:00 GMT

History being made in Kansas?

..> History being made in Kansas The Daily Cannabinoid - http://thedailycannabinoid.blogspot.com/ History made in KANSAS: MPPFirst medical marijuana bill in Kansas' history introducedOn Monday, Fe...
Posted by on Sun, 10 Feb 2008 21:19:00 GMT