Christian Myspace Layouts - Christian Art MySpace Layouts
..>I am like many out there in this world.I had faced feeling alone and discouraged at times.My life was not what I planned.Somewhere I got lost in the world.Well, now I don't go by feeling,I go by faith.I am not alone,I have Jesus in my life.My bible is my encouragement.I do go through my times of struggle,thats when I get in my battleing positon against satan,I GET ON MY KNEES.You need to remember that satan knows the bible and can appear as a angel of light.God says watch for false prophets for there are many.satan wants you as miserble as he can get you.He will lead you to false happiness and snare you like a wild animal.It is your responsibility to raise your children to knowing Jesus.Ask Jesus to come into your heart today.Surrender to him. Pray the Lords prayer......Our Father,who art in heaven,hallowed be thy name.Thy kingdom come,thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven.Give this day our daily bread and forgive our debts as we forgive our debtors.Lead us not into temtation but deliver us from evil.Thine is the kingdom,thy power and thy glory forever.AMENPraise him,Glorify him,Love him with all of your heart.
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