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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

Myspace Graphics
Myspace Layouts ..Hey! My name is Nathan. I’m a graduate student at The University of Texas at Tyler, but between semesters, I'm usually at home in the Spring/Woodlands area. Although I primarily use Myspace as a means of keeping in touch with friends, I love meeting new people, so even if we’ve never met, please feel free to introduce yourself!Also, I co-chair the gay-straight alliance on campus, Q&A: Queers and Allies (formerly Campus GLBT Outreach). If you’re a student at the university, and you’re interested in becoming involved, please send a message my way!

My Interests

Spending time with my amazing family and friends. I enjoy music, exercise, traveling, art (making and appreciating), dining out, museums, being outdoors, good conversation, etc. I just enjoy life!


AIR, Blonde redhead, Arcade fire, Kevin Shields, Death in Vegas, Peter Bjorn and John, Ladytron, Patti Smith, M83, Royksopp, The Smiths, Sonic Youth, Le Volume Courbe, Idaho, Flaming Lips, Bark Psychosis, Hood, Pernice Brothers, Kings of Convenience, Fiest, Beth Orton, Polyphonic Spree, Mercury Rev, Telefon Tel Aviv, Mice Parade, Richard Ashcroft, Radiohead, Sigur Ros, Remy Shand, PJ Harvey, Wilco, Abandoned Pools, Liz Phair, Manetic Fields, Stephen Merritt, Damien Rice, Imogen Heap, Placebo, Clinic, Fiona Apple, Mogwai, Interpol, Elliot Smith, A Perfect Circle, Live, Garbage, Neil Young, Phoenix, Badly Drawn Boy, Nine Inch Nails, Alanis Morrisette, Manic Street Preachers, The Shins, The Pretenders, R.E.M., Death Cab for Cutie, The Dandy Warhols, Tori Amos, Beck


Little Children, Last King of Scotland, Lost in Translation, The Virgin Suicides, The Science of Sleep, Squid and the Whale, Ghost World, American Beauty, I Heart Huckabees, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Kinsey, The Royal Tennenbaums, Welcome to the Dollhouse


Running With Scissors - Augusten Burroughs,Overcoming Destructive Beliefs, Feelings, and Behaviors: New Directions for Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy - Albert Ellis, Sex Without Guilt in the Twenty-First Century - Albert Ellis, A Density of Souls - Christopher Rice, The Informers - Bret Easton Ellis, The Ice Storm - Rick Moody, Some of the Parts - T Cooper, The Gay Metropolis - Charles Kaiser, Blink - Malcon Gladwell