JRaWstA Is(JESUS)! REPPIN! [-4- LIFE] profile picture


Down To Skate Boys!

About Me

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My Interests

what i really like to do is skate & K.R.U.M.P. but for the most part im a nice charming young man who would like to be a designer some day what i do if i cant skate or krump go to the movies chill with my friends after school play the guitar watch how its made on the discovery channel do my home work shoot my combound bon arrow its really fun ive gotten first place in a holloween shoot its pretty cool i play the drums i play the key board and mes with equalizers pretty cool stuff o and im on a team its called theriderskartel you can look it up on the enternet im on the cover of a photo shoot for skating pretty cool ooooo and one big thing i like doing soooo much i like to draw dude i cant explain why but when my pencil toches the paper it seems to have a mind of its own and thats about it. But id really like to met a nice girl some day that likes me for who i really am Au$tiN RodRiGueZ

I'd like to meet:

Well the only person id really like to meet is jesus christ i could care less about the other people really thoeJust watch this its really good the movie is called August Rush


i like all types of music if you play it ill lisen and sometimes i record and play the guitar so i can have my own music its really coolMY KRUMPING NAME IS [kidd RAWSTA]


i like intence movies such as transformers and tokyo drift and good stuff like that i also like scary movies but lol some one has to be there with me lol


i like to watch interesting shows like how its made and science channel and on damand havoc sports such as skate stuff toataly free stuff and thats about it


i like richy tichy tavy really good about a mongose and two king cobras and stuff that interst me


(God Jesus) because there real heroes and there there when ever you need them