I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

long story short:
sweet n' sour southern girl turned hippie commune escapee here to make my art and actualize my fabulous. i'm in grad school workin' on an MFA (ceramics); i love art, friends, family, and dancing, and I'm takin' on death city by hook or by crook. you know, the hippie commune didn't suck completely, the first year was pretty good. and besides, it's not where you go, it's who you're with.

My Interests

i love both making pottery and the act that is being portrayed here.

warrior jar (i made both these pieces)
+acl reconstruction, twin oaks, stalkin' azz bitches, meniscus repair, hula hoopin', gardens, tattoos, black people, knitting, pottery, dancing, change, reading, history, menge, ladies, fellas, children, second chances

I'd like to meet:

scientists. revolutionaries. people who know a thing to two about art. old friends. new friends. no bands. no girl collectors.


anita baker (rapture is my #1)

tupac (keep ya head up)

red hot chili peppers (i love every incarnation)

sade in the love deluxe days

most definitely.

maxwell (listen to embrya)

lyle lovett (step inside this house is THE ONE)
you know, i almost hate to list specifics because i love just about all music as long as it's sincere.


desperate living (the woes of princesshood!)

star trek iv: the voyage home

slamnation (say it LOUD)

bamboozled (heavy, but incredibly good and true)


not really, but i usually go for:

most extreme elimination challenge (mXc)!p

the state
(you know most of the good stuff aint on anymore, right?)


incredible. the story of a young man who has to fight between his culture and his love for painting.

twisted fiction (seriously)

her last sketchbook, its incredible

i'm a trekkie for life


Assata Shakur

Aileen Wuornos

My Blog

my life is wonderful

the long and short is that school has had me incredibly busy and exhausted, so much so that i realize how blessed i am to be living the life i want and that complaining would be selfish and lame. ...
Posted by NASTY MOUTHED BITCHEZ FOR LIFE on Sat, 12 Apr 2008 11:53:00 PST

acorn in photos

i just wrote this big thing complaining about my roommate’s alarm clock and how it’s wrecking my sleep. the truth is that i want to wake up at 8am everyday, i just want to do it on my own,...
Posted by NASTY MOUTHED BITCHEZ FOR LIFE on Thu, 27 Mar 2008 08:07:00 PST

buses, mugs, and fires (photos)

I can’t believe George Lucas is still doing Star Wars stuff.  Just let it be an awesome thing of the past!so here’s some more pictures:So I didn’t really go to NCOR this year, I...
Posted by NASTY MOUTHED BITCHEZ FOR LIFE on Fri, 14 Mar 2008 10:42:00 PST


and i don't wanna go to HU and work on this sculpture (female bust - self portrait really) even though it's charter day so no one will be around and my weekend will be filled with old friends from dow...
Posted by NASTY MOUTHED BITCHEZ FOR LIFE on Fri, 07 Mar 2008 11:11:00 PST

twin yokes (they put them on horses, mules, and us)

i just had a long weepy talk with yet another art professor about twin oaks.  i am so tired of crying everytime i talk about that place!this time i was telling her about how liberating it was for...
Posted by NASTY MOUTHED BITCHEZ FOR LIFE on Tue, 04 Mar 2008 03:38:00 PST

the last month in pictures

so i've finally got this idle morning to post all these photos of the past month or so of my life. i gotta get another laptop, financial aid is appearantly available for it (meaning: my mom will spl...
Posted by NASTY MOUTHED BITCHEZ FOR LIFE on Sat, 02 Feb 2008 07:11:00 PST

the biz

the biz is that reading someone else's blog makes me want to update this one. school's back in, and i think i got off on the right foot by spending the weekend before in new york city tripping, shopp...
Posted by NASTY MOUTHED BITCHEZ FOR LIFE on Mon, 21 Jan 2008 08:55:00 PST

being vegan in NYC is easy as hell, but the meat can be so good . . .

lord have mercy, what a day!  i've barely been able to catch up on my sleep, much less roll around and relish in the wonderful time i had in NYC.  seriously, it was disgusting and scandalous...
Posted by NASTY MOUTHED BITCHEZ FOR LIFE on Tue, 18 Dec 2007 05:03:00 PST

i finally made it

. . . onto a hipster photo website! remember that big warehouse party i talked about? well, there was a photographer there and my sister and i walked up to the dude, totally trashed, and told him to t...
Posted by NASTY MOUTHED BITCHEZ FOR LIFE on Fri, 07 Dec 2007 11:53:00 PST

hungover in takoma

last night i discovered an upscale beer store in Bethesda that has GLUTEN FREE BEER and a GLUTEN FREE DELI, BAKERY, AND PIZZERIA. if i werent' so damn hung over, i'd be all ready to go out there, but ...
Posted by NASTY MOUTHED BITCHEZ FOR LIFE on Sun, 18 Nov 2007 11:14:00 PST